their pet names for you

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wc: 489

Draco: your name

- before yall got together he always called you y/l/n so the fact that he calls you y/n now is a miracle
- you don't mind because the way he says your name makes your stomach swirl
- he might shorten your name to the nickname your friends call you but he typically calls you your full name (example, if your friends call you lizzy he will call you elizabeth)
- he despises the pet names babe/baby so he refuses to call you them
- calls you "mon amour" occasionally when he is especially infatuated with you

Enzo: love

- its because you're his love
- he loves you
-"why waste time with other things when I can let you know how i feel with one word?"
- "yes my love?"
- doesn't like calling you your name similarly to how he doesn't like it when you call him Lorenzo instead of baby
- "you look beautiful, love"
- he also refers to you as his girl, but mostly if he is talking to other people about you
- "my girl's waiting for me"

Matheo: princess

- "what's my name, princess?"
- says that every time you try to call him matheo
- he worships you like one would worship a princess
- he likes to kiss you when he calls you princess
- which is a lot
- he really just likes to kiss you tbh
- does occasionally call you love but not as often
- its mostly in response to you calling him matty

Tom: your name

- would not be caught dead calling you babe/baby or anything really
- when yall are alone he might call you a shortened version of your name that other people don't call you (if your name is elizabeth and people call you lizzy, he would use liz)
- the way he says your name gives you butterflies
- when yall first started dating you were a little upset but not anymore
- if you call him "my lord" he will call you "my love"
- but only if he is sure no one is around

Theo: dear/darling

- "yes dear?"
- will always call you dear or darling in response to you calling him sweetie
- your friends think its kinda cringe but you love it
- also calls you darling, but not as often
- he keeps it for special occasions because he knows you like it
- "you look beautiful, my darling"
- he actually had to ask you what you wanted to be called and when you didn't know he tried them all until he found ones he liked (and you liked ig)

Regulus: an adjective 

- gorgeous
- beautiful
- he calls you all of them
- "hello gorgeous ;)"
- he mostly does this because you call him handsome but he also loves to compliment you, so its like a freebie compliment
- some days he will never call you the same thing twice
- sometimes refers to you as his girl
- "there's my girl!" when you enter a room he's in
- i feel like he calls you ma sometimes
- "thanks for the show ma" if you change in front of him

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