hurt~ d.m

210 2 0


tw: injury, medications, teasing, kissing

  "Y/n!" Draco yelled. That was the last thing you heard before hitting the ground. It felt like he was by your side instantaneously, he lifted you into a sitting position until Madam Pomfrey could get to you. You could vaguely hear the quidditch match going on above you, but your head hurt too much to wonder why Draco was by your side. Madam Pomfrey instructed Draco to pick you up and carry you to the hospital wing, and before you knew it, you were cradled in his arms. He was so warm all you wanted to do was rest your eyes, so you leaned your head against his chest.

    "Y/n, stay awake love. You have to," he whispered, gently lifting your chin off his chest, "we're almost at the infirmary, you can make it." After what seemed like hours, Draco finally laid you down on one of the beds and Madam Pomfrey all but shoved him away in order to get a proper look at you. She asked you questions like if you knew your name, what the day was, where you were. You were able to answer them but your head hurt like hell. She shined her wand in your face and asked you to follow the slight, and a whole lot of other things that just made your head hurt. Once she wasn't assaulting your senses, you looked around for Draco but couldn't see him.

    POP! You heard a loud noise right by your ear, causing you to cower in pain. You started seeing stars.

    "Ms. Y/l/n? Are you okay?" you heard Madam Pomfrey ask, she sounded far away but you could see her sitting next to you. You were confused, your head hurt, and you were cold.

    "Draco?" was all you could muster to say, and even that was a whisper. You heard Madam Pomfrey say something but you couldn't understand what. She adjusted your pillows and moved you to a sitting position before walking out of your line of sight. You heard the door open but doubted Madam Pomfrey walked that fast. You tried to turn and look to see who was in the room but your neck hurt too much and you gave up. You turned onto your side and into the fetal position, hugging a pillow tightly into your chest. Over and over until Madam Pomfrey came back you just whimpered Draco's name. Sitting at your bedside, Madam Pomfrey gave you a pill to ease the pain.

    "Now Ms. Y/l/n, these are just regular muggle tylenol. You can take one every four hours for the pain. Your head will hurt for a while but I don't think it's serious enough to cause any permanent damage. If your symptoms get worse come see me. I left some extra instructions for Mr. Malfoy-"

    "Draco!" you exclaimed, yearning to see him.

    "Mr. Malfoy is here, y/n, but you need to take it easy. Your boyfriend will have to be gentle and watch you carefully over the next few days."

    "Not my boyfriend," you whispered, laying your head back onto the pillow before Madam Pomfrey took it away, "Draco." As you said his name, you felt the very arms you longed for wrap around you.

    "Draco!" you exclaimed, flinching at the sudden loudness of your own voice.

    "Y/n, come on mon amour. Let's go back to the dorm." Helping you from the bed, he held your waist with one hand and opened the doors with the other. Maybe 10 feet away from the door, you needed to stop, so you let Draco know.

    "What y/n?"

    "Stop," you repeated, using the wall and his chest to stabilize yourself, "this stuff needs to come off." Once you had your balance, you started taking off your gloves and arm guards. As you bent down to remove your shin guards, you felt gravity stop working and began to sway.

    "Y/n! Careful, let me get them." Draco sighed, kneeling to undo the straps. He removed them with ease and took the rest of your protective gear in his free hand. He continues leading you down the corridor but stops suddenly.

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