Chapter Seven: Training for the Job

Start from the beginning

    "Okay. I've got this," she whispered to herself as she lifted the phone from its place on the wall. After dialing the familiar number, she put the receiver to her ear and waited. It rang twice before Henry picked up.

    "Hello?" he said, sounding rather anxious.

    "Um...hi," she said. "Sorry about—"

    "Charlie!" Henry cut in, his voice crackling over the phone. "Thank goodness you're alright! You had me worried sick!"

    "Yeah, uh...sorry, Dad. I don't know what I was thinking last night." She sighed and leaned against the wall. "Actually, I guess I sort of do. I'm really sorry for yelling at you and freaking out like that, but I'm just really frustrated right now."

    "I know, Charlotte." His voice grew softer, kinder even. "But it should be me apologizing, not you. Perhaps you acted a little drastic last night, but that's my fault. I know I've overprotective of you, and I am sorry for that. Truly, I am." Charlie blinked, listening as her father said, "I just love you so much, Charlie, and I have always been worried for you, worried that something might happen. I have my reasons for it, but that's not my point. My point is that it isn't fair to you. You are practically a grown woman now, and you deserve the right to make your own decisions. If you want me to help you work with animatronics, then I am more than happy to." He gave a soft, fond laugh. "I'm actually quite proud of you, you know. You're growing up into a gorgeous young woman, and I am honored that you're following in my footsteps."

    Charlie smiled, a tear running down her cheek. "Thank you, Dad. That's really all I wanted to hear."

    "Yes, well, I figured," Henry said. "I'm just an old idiot, forgot you weren't my little girl anymore."

    "Oh, Dad, of course I am." She waved a hand. "I'll always be your daughter."

    "Yes, you will," he said, sounding pleased. "Thanks for calling, Charlie, I got quite concerned when it started storming. Did you make it home alright?"

    "Um...actually, I didn't." She twisted a strand of hair around her finger. "I forgot my keys at the pizzeria, so I couldn't exactly go back, but um...I ended up at Michael's house, because some creepy car was following me."

    "A creepy car?" Immediately, Henry sounded both concerned and angry. "Did you see the license plate? Did you see who it was? What did the car look like? Why—"

    "I didn't see anything," she quickly cut in, "but don't worry, Mike helped me. He was really nice last night, we had some tea and talked. He let me spend the night in his guestroom." She smiled to herself, her gaze shifting in the direction of Michael's room. "We're getting really close again, Dad. It's nice. I forgot how wonderful he is."

    "Yes, I'm glad you two are getting to know each other again," said Henry. "I remember those days when you two were practically inseparable. Michael seems to have grown up into a fine young man, despite...well, you-know-what."

    "Yeah." Her smiled broadened. "He has, hasn't he?" She cleared her throat. "Anyway, I better go. See you at the pizzeria?"

    "Mhm," he said. "You and Michael should both stop by. The animatronics need some repairs and modifications, after all. You two can get in some practice. Sound good?"

    She grinned. "That sounds great." They exchanged a few more words, then Charlie hung up, feeling like a great weight had been lifted off her shoulders. That gone wildly better than she ever would have anticipated. With a content sigh, she turned, hoping soon Michael came out, so she could tell him the good news. Much to her delight, she spotted him exiting the bathroom and heading for his room, dressed in a black bathrobe and looking deep in thought.

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