Chapter Three: The Offer

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    Michael blinked a few times, processing William's words. "Wait," he said, "what did you just say?"

    "Exactly what you heard," replied William. "You aren't currently employed, and Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental needs a new technician. Seems like the perfect fit, hmm?"

    Michael's teeth gritted. The nerve of William sometimes. What kind of offer was this? "No." Michael fisted his free hand. "No, it doesn't. I'm not letting you drag me into your precious little franchise! It's already scarred me enough; I want nothing to do with that job."

    "Oh, Michael, Michael, Michael." William's voice took on a mocking tone. "You aren't seeing the big picture. Not only do you get hired with little chance of being fired once again—" his took one a new tone, distant and unreadable— "but you get to find out what happened to your sister."

    Michael tensed, straightening as his lips parted to form words that at first would not come. When he found his voice, he said, "What do you mean? I...I don't understand."

    "Then you're a fool," William said. "Do I honestly need to repeat myself? If you work at Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental, you can find Elizabeth. There. I'm not repeating it again."

    "Wait, would—" Michael shook his head bewilderedly— "how would getting that job help me find Elizabeth? It's just a job!" He blinked, eyes drifting off to the side. "Right?"

    "Michael, let me ask you something."


    "When was the last time you ever saw your sister?"

    "Right before you and she went to—" Michael's breath caught in his throat— "right before you both went to the grand opening of Circus Baby's Pizza World." He lowered his head. "You came back, but she didn't. She was just...gone. You never told me why or how." His voice dropped and wavered as grief threatened to overwhelm him. "But I knew she was dead."

    "No need to be so dramatic." William cut into his sorrowful moment. "Now then, you want answers, don't you?"

    "Course I do." Michael lifted his head. "But I don't see why you can't just tell me, instead of sending me on some sort of mission to this random job."

    "Oh, it isn't random, Michael," William said. "Not in the least." He chuckled. "And yes. Consider this a mission. I will hire you, and you will work at Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental as a technician. Work long enough, and you might just find what you're looking for, son."

    "Oh really?" Michael narrowed his eyes. "I sense a trick."

    "Your lack of trust hurts me, Michael," William said, feigning sadness in his voice. "You should know I would never even dream of doing such a thing!"

    Michael winced. "Whatever. I'll take the job, so long as I get paid."

    "It's a job, of course you will," said William. "I didn't raise to be an idiot, now did I?"

    Michael rolled his eyes. "When do I start my first day?"

    "First, you will need to fill out some paperwork," William replied, "but I will give you three weeks to prepare yourself. Being a technician isn't as hard as it may seem, but you might want to brush up on your skills, just in case."

    "Yeah, I'll keep that in mind," Michael said. "Goodbye." He hung up, not waiting for William to respond. With a heavy sigh, he sagged against the wall that his phone hung on. "Well, I guess my job situation is solved. Not how I wanted it to be, though." He strolled across the living room. "Maybe I should research this place. I don't know much about Circus Baby or any of that, minus how much Elizabeth adored her." He dampened at these words, but pushing all horrid thoughts off, he left the house and set out in the direction of the library. He knew it was late, but the library didn't close until ten. He at least had an hour to use the computers there and research.

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