Chapter 1: Aren't Big Fans

Start from the beginning

Kuai: Cause... it's pretty expensive.

Aang: I guess that's why you don't stay there.

Katara: Yeah, where do you stay?

Kuai: Usually, I camp out beside the general store. Almost no one goes there anymore. Too many stands selling the same things it does.

Zuko: Then I guess it's safer than out here.

Sokka: Yeah, this place is kind of creepy.

Aang: Let's go see if we could work out a deal at the inn.

Kuai: I don't know, the owners are pretty grouchy. You'd get a better deal if no one knew you guys were the Avatar and the Firelord. A lot of people here... aren't big fans.

Katara: Okay Zuko, take off the crown and Aang, put on the headband. The inn seems like our best option tonight.

Aang: Fine.

Everyone got up and Zuko took off his crown and let down his hair. Aang tied the headband on and they walked towards the inn. Kuai stared at the group. They all looked so normal. So calm. Katara knocked on the door, and they waited for almost a minute before a response came.

Innkeeper: Hello?

Katara: Um, sir, we were wondering if you had a room that our little group could share for the night.

Innkeeper: Our biggest room has two beds and a window seat.

Sokka: I think that will work!

Innkeeper: It's late, I have no time for you to linger in the foyer. Follow me upstairs.

Aang: Thank you for your kindness.

Kuai grabbed Zuko's hand as the group followed the innkeeper upstairs. Zuko remained quiet. Everyone else murmured amongst themselves until they reached the room. It wasn't large, but definitely not too small.

Zuko: Sokka, you and Katara share that bed over there.

Sokka: No way! She's a sheet-hog!

Katara: And he snores!

Zuko: You'll have to deal with it.

Katara: Ugh, fine.

Aang: I'll sleep on the window seat.

Zuko: Kuai, you take the other bed. I'll sleep on the floor.

Kuai: No, you don't have to-

Zuko: Just go to sleep.

After Katara and Sokka stopped fighting over the sheets they laid back to back and were finally quiet, Aang fell asleep on the window seat, and Kuai curled up on the other bed and acted asleep as she watched Zuko struggle to be comfortable on the wooden floor. 

Kuai: Zuko, please, switch with me.

Zuko: No.

Kuai: UGH!

Katara woke to Kuai's anger but remained silent to watch. Zuko turned his head away from Kuai.

Kuai: Zuko, I don't want you to look so uncomfortable. If you want to, I'll share the bed with you. But you've got to cooperate.

Zuko: No.

Kuai: Don't make me have to do this!

Zuko remained silent. Kuai was being over-dramatic, waking everybody without knowing it. They were all watching for what would happen next. But Kuai was persistent. When they stayed at an inn back at a colony two years ago, he tried to get her to be comfortable. She was going to return the favor.

Kuai: Sorry Zuko, I have to repay you for two years ago.

Zuko: I'm fine trust me.

Out of her anger came bloodbending, to get him to do what she wanted. She was so skilled at it that she made it almost not uncoomfortable. Zuko was surprised that she could bloodbend better than Katara. She got him to a sitting position on the edge of the bed and released him.

Katara: K-kuai? What was that?

Kuai: Oh... you're awake.

Sokka: We're all awake!

Aang: Was that... bloodbending?

Zuko: She's done it to me before. She's actually pretty good. It doesn't hurt that much.

Sokka: Well then you're lucky! Hama bloodbended me and Aang and it was the worst feeling ever!

Katara: I didn't know you could do that...

Aang: And better than Katara?!

Kuai: Since I was in that Fire Nation prison I've known how. I get better at every form of waterbending every day.

Sokka: I think I might be scared of you now.

Katara: How could you think to do that to Zuko?

Aang: Don't you know how much it could hurt?

Kuai: In prison, bloodbending came so natural to me that it wasn't as uncomfortable for the victims. I don't see the pain in their eyes like I have in other people's victim's.

Katara: It's still not right...

Zuko: I'll share the bed with you tonight, Kuai. Your bending didn't hurt, but now that I'm up here...

Kuai: Yay! Thanks cutie!

Kuai wrapped her arms around Zuko's neck as Katara grumbled and went back to sleep. Zuko got under the covers, laying on his back awkwardly next to Kuai. Everyone except Kuai fell asleep. She looked at Zuko for a little bit, then fell asleep herself.

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