what challenge???

Start from the beginning

"why are you yelling at my husband???!!,he did nothing wrong,its my father company,which means its mine and what's mine is his!,he can barge in whenever he wants who are you to tell him it's inappropriate, who are you??!!"everyone stared at hoseok stunned,shocked and whatnot it was the first time they saw him so mad, hoseok own eyes widen as he froze in place and refuse to look at anyone,why did I scream?,.....why did I say my husband??,what the hell did I even say?!!!"hoseok thought eternally groaning.he probably think I like him or something..."hoseok glance at yoongi who look rather confused mix amused.hoseok could picture the stupid smirk he was biting back,groaning he sat back down with a huff,ignoring everyone's gaze.

"I'm sorry,I'm very sorry" jyp apologized softly,bowing,determined to calm hoseok down who only huff and look away.

"Anyway so this brat over here literally shaved my eyebrows off and dye my hair fucking pink,fucking PINK he knows I hate fucking pink!,he even went to the point were he spraid black tan on my face luckily I was able to wash it off,he even wrote dick on my forehead,and the audacity he has to write it in capital letters!" Yoongi explain,gritting his teeth and fist clenching,he didn't even know how hoseok even manage to do something like that to him in his sleep,was he such a heavy sleeper?he doubt it.

Hoseok scoff"oh shut up,I could've done worst but I didn't!"."you see what kind of brat he is?"yoongi pointed out,hoseok was about to say something but jyp gasp cut him off."o my god"jyp covered his mouth dramaticly,as if he was that shock,hoseok cringe."that's so unacceptable,how can you even do something like that to your own husband??!"jyp tsk shaking his head in disappointment, he really thought hoseok was an angel by his natural innocent face but from what he was hearing the things hoseok did were very unacceptable. "You should rot in jail for what you've done,your husband is right,you're a ungrateful.brat-" yoongi slamming his fist on the table startle everyone,he didn't know what came into him but as hoseok lip quiver cause of jyp harsh words something in yoongi snap he glare at jyp making him gulp slightly. "Why are you yelling?,he's my husband he can shave eyebrows and dye my hair whenever he want,don't fucking insult him" yoongi hiss clearly mad,he didn't know why he was getting mad,as someone who claim hoseok as his enemy he was acting extremely overprotective. Hoseok eyes soften as he stared at yoongi.he had defended him,his heart skip a beat,he blush slightly and look away from yoongi but then he froze and after a moment gritted his teeth."yaah hoseok calm down he's your enemy,he's probably defending me to not look bad"hoseok scoff and agree with the voice in his head,he knew yoongi was just acting up for his own benefit, he reassured himself ignoring all the obvious sign.

Jungkook and namjoon who was watching the entire scene glance at each other briefly with a knowing look,they both didn't know each other yet they could clearly see how possessive sope was being over each other,they honestly didn't know how hoseok and yoongi couldn't see it,but if you're someone who didn't know them for long you'll think they are deeply in love cause of how possessive they were being.

It was hot in the room as the interrogation continued, jyp swear he had never come across people like hoseok and yoongi in his life,both claim to hate each other to death but when he ask hoseok a question he'll answer and when jyp would scold yoongi hoseok would defend him,same goes for yoongi.both were defending each other without even realizing,it was so confusing and complicated to understand the two.

"Since you've damage some things with your reckless driving,one of you will be paying for the damages" jyp said tiredly after talking to hoseok and yoongi for so long."-im not paying" hoseok stated firmly heavily arm cross and chin raised sassily. "Well I'm not paying too" yoongi scoff making his point clear by getting up to leave hoseok huff and stopped him.

"You're a fucking millionaire pay!"

"You're no less than one either hoseok,don't play cat and mouse with me beside it was you who started all this"

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