Blind Date...With My Ex

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"If my dating life was a road, there'd be tumbleweed rolling across it." I sigh as I spin around in my chair, the room going past in a blur as Hunnigan laughs, clicking off her headset.

"Have you tried meeting people?"

I stop and give her a pointed look. "Yeah, but it's hard between work and more work." I reply, adding a laugh at the end so I don't feel as pathetic as I feel. Hunnigan thankfully hums in thought, gasping as if she's thought of something. Sitting up straighter in my chair I use my feet to wheel myself over to her.

"I've got it. Why don't I set you up on a blind date?" She exclaims, clapping her hands together as I wince. A short memory of my last date and relationship does a little montage in my head, but I quickly dismiss it.

"I don't know..." I trail off, but the thought of meeting yet another guy at the bar sends shivers down my spine. "Alright, I trust you to find me a good match."

It doesn't take long for mastermind Hunnigan to set something up. Only mere days later I'm all dressed up in my finest and made a little more effort on my hair and makeup. As soon as I step into the fancy restaurant and head to the table Hunnigan booked for me, I freeze.

"No fucking way." I whisper to myself, immediately I turn around and head for the bathroom, calling up Hunnigan and whispering harshly. "You didn't tell me that you set me up with my ex-boyfriend!"

Hunnigan stays silent. "I didn't know that you went out with that agent." She defends, I can almost imagine her holding her hands up in a surrender as I huff and swallow back anymore comments. "You could always walk out. As long as he didn't see you."

The idea did occur to me, but for some reason I feel myself pulling away from the idea. For the brief few seconds I saw Leon, I was admittedly mesmerised. From his longer blonde hair, to the navy blue suit he wears that fits his broad shoulders like a glove...maybe it wouldn't be so bad to just catch up? I sigh through my nose, shaking my head. "No it's fine. I'll give it a go."

"I'm glad to hear it. I've gotta go, but text me the details when you're done." She softly says in that caring way only best friends can do, then the call ends. I take one deep breath, then head back out into the restaurant and meet Leon. When his eyes meet mine all I see is pure shock, mixed with some yearning.

"Hey, I didn't know you'd be here." He softly says, then looks around as if searching for the man accompanying me. I almost smile at the thought.

"Likewise. So, have you ordered some wine yet, I'm gonna need it." I ask as I sit down to Leon's surprise. He soon figures the situation out, since he knows I'd never willingly spend more time than necessary with him, not after our breakup.

"Not yet honey, but-"

"Don't call me that." I suddenly say, cheeks blushing from the harshness of my tone. Leon looks taken aback too by his own words, probably because he'd grown so used to calling me that. We both go silent, but then he mumbles an apology and orders us a bottle of wine when the waiter comes.

"If you don't want to do this we could just call it a night." Leon suggests, stealing a glance at me as I purse my lips, but when I shake my head I'm sure his shoulders sag in relief, as if some part of him wants this too. By the time the wine is delivered and we've both necked down a glass, the conversations begin. They're simple questions at first; asking how each other's day went, if we're still in the same job, asking about family, but then as we drink more and order some food, we delve deeper and begin to relax.

At some point, I find Leon's hand linked with mine on top of the table, his thumb lightly brushing the top of it as I talk about a recent mission I assisted with from behind the computer. Leon listens intently, chuckling at my dry humour as his eyes focus on me, twinkling in the low light and watching me with a loving gaze I know all too well. I find myself having a good time, forgetting all about our hurtful past as what seems like we begin anew, and funnily enough it feels like none of the breakup or shitty stuff happened, it feels like love again.

By the time dinner comes to an end, Leon insists on paying the bill and walking me home since I don't live too far away. His hand stays intertwined with mine as we walk under the star lit sky, none of us talking until we stop outside of my building. I pry my hand away from his, swalling nervously. What's the protocol for this?

"I-I should get inside, I've got an early morning tomorrow." I smile, but I don't move. Leon nods, rubbing the back of his neck shyly, but then he steps forward, closing a bit of distance between us.

"Our dates used to end with kissing, well more than that, but...can I kiss you? Is it wrong? If you don't want to-" Leon leads off as I step forward, nodding as I loop my arms around his neck. He smiles as he presses his lips to mine, his hands grabbing my waist as what was a light kiss turns into one of passion and desire.

Eventually Leon is the first to pull away, knowing someone has to stop it before we go further. "I had a great time tonight, even if it was a surprise. I don't suppose you wanna do it again?"

My lips part as if to protest, but then I nod. "Yeah, let's do it. Maybe we can try that new taco place?"

Leon's lips lift higher, "Anything for my girl."

I huff but grin despite it. "Not your girl."

"Not yet." Leon's quick to reply, winking as I back away and smother a laugh with my hand. As soon as I'm in the building I pull out my phone and begin texting Hunnigan the details, excited to tell her all about it in person tomorrow, and to hopefully hear her confession of knowing she set me up with my ex.

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