Episode 1: Feeling blue?

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Our story begins with a Young 16 year old Dragon girl laying on the windowsill of the tree house. 

Carol: Lilac! I got the food!

Carol Tea walks in the Tree house carrying groceries

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Carol Tea walks in the Tree house carrying groceries. She grins at Lilac who half smiles looking at her best friend.

Milla Basset is playing on the floor when she sees Carol.

Milla: Hi Carol!

Carol: Hey Milla.

Lilac walks over to her friends and helps put up the food.

Lilac: Man, it sure has been a while since that day huh?

Carol: You mean with Comet and them?

Lilac: Yes, Carol.

Milla: Yeah, but it has only been a few months!

Lilac: I know but I still miss him.

Carol puts a hand on her shoulder.

Carol: Hey, you know that boyfriend of yours always keeps his promises so why worry?

Lilac gets flustered but smiles at the Green Wildcat.

Lilac: Thanks Carol.

Meanwhile on Planet Mobius Comet is sleeping in his bedroom and cuddles his pillow.

In comet's Dream.

Lilac: Comet, I love you! Let's make out!

Comet: I missed you so much!

Mephiles: Hi Comet.

Comet: Hi Mephil- Dang it.

Comet turns around to see him and the two glare at one another with Mephiles giving him a steady clap.

Mephiles: Well done Comet. You saved an entire planet from an alien trying to take it over.

Comet: You just had to mess with my dream didn't you?

Mephiles: Don't worry boy you will see her soon enough.

Comet: What do you mean by-

Suddenly Comet wakes up and sees his mom coming in the door.

Amy: Comet? Is something wrong?

Comet: No, just remembering some friends is all.

Amy sighs and sits next to him.

Amy: I know you miss your friends Comet. I especially want to meet that girlfriend of yours.

Comet: Wha-

Amy: Come and get ready we have a big day planned.

Confused Comet does as his mom asked and brushed his teeth getting ready for the day.

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