6. Fred Weasley vs Bulgarian hunk

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The kettle Alex had been holding in her hand slipped from her fingers as she felt her stomach leap over the woman standing in front of her

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The kettle Alex had been holding in her hand slipped from her fingers as she felt her stomach leap over the woman standing in front of her.

Her aunt.

Alliana had hardly talked about her sister before to Alex, seeing as she had been disowned and they had never spoken since she left home.  And while Alex knew that the family didn't care for her, being the daughter of "blood-traitors," she still wondered what they were like.

"I'm so sorry to have bothered you," Ivory spoke up with a nervous laugh, breaking Alex from her train of thought. Ivory made a move to walk back toward her tent.  "You just look like her so much.  I'll leave you be-"

"You're Ivory?" Alex asked, finally finding her voice as she took a small step toward the woman.  "You're my mum's sister?"

The nervous smile that had been on Ivory's face softened as she looked at Alex again before nodding. 

"Yes," she confirmed, "I suppose that would make me your Aunt Ivory."

At the sound of that, Alex felt her stomach do another leap.  "There's so many questions I want to ask but we don't even know each other, so I wouldn't even know where to begin," Alex nervously laughed, almost going to take a step away.

"No, it's okay!" Ivory reassured her, gently grabbing Alex's hands to keep her close for a second longer.  "I mean, we are family, after all, right?"

Alex smiled.  "Right."

"Alex!" Ron called from where they were standing in the queue, showing they would be next to use the tap.  "Come on!"

"I really have to get back to my friends," Alex told her.  "But would it be alright if I sent you an owl?"

"Absolutely!" Ivory exclaimed happily before rushing into her tent they had been standing by and returning with some contact information on where to send owls to.  "Please don't hesitate to reach out."

"I won't," Alex reassured before running back over to where the group had begun to fill up the saucepans Mr. Weasley had given them.

"Who was that?" Harry asked, seeing the woman offer the group a smile before disappearing into one of the tents close by.

"I'll tell you about it later," Alex responded, a small smile on her face over the interaction.

She didn't know why but meeting Ivory felt like perfect timing.  Seeing as she couldn't exactly be with her parents because they were on the run, meeting her aunt for the first time offered a small ray of hope for what the future could bring. Maybe she could reunite her aunt and mother and they would be able to bury whatever hatchet needed to be buried.

As they walked back to their tent, Alex was lost in her thoughts and didn't bother looking around for faces as she smiled softly to herself over thought of reuniting her family.

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