prologue. The right choice

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August 1977

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August 1977

Tears welled up in Alliana's eyes as she clutched her cheek, shaking slightly from the shock of her father's unexpected slap. Slowly, she looked up at Ignatius to see his eyes, eyes that used to hold nothing but love for his daughter that now held utter disgust over the discovery of her current relationship.

"Sirius Black?" Ignatius spat.  "Sirius Black?  The disgraced, dishonored, and disowned heir to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black?!  That is who you have been seeing?!"

Word had gotten back to Ignatius about his daughter's relationship with the young troublemaker. They had been meeting in secret over the summer and they thought they were careful, meeting up at places that no one would think to look in. However, they were soon found out by an unnamed source.

"He's only disgraced because your society deemed him so," Alliana spoke firmly, though her hands were shaking.  She was always taught to never speak to her father in such a tone.

Ignatius looked at Alliana again, a dark look coming over his eyes before he raised his hand again, slapping Alliana's other cheek.  A cry left the young seventeen year old as she collapsed to the ground of his study.

"I don't care what you say or do to me," she stated, looking up at him.  "I love him and that is not something you can take away from me.  Not now and not ever."

"No daughter of mine is going to marry a blood traitor!" Ignatius growled before taking a deep breath and readjusting a button on his robes.  "Now, we will continue with your betrothal to Killian Parkinson, since he is from a good family-"

"BUT I DO NOT LOVE HIM!" Alliana cried, rising to her knees as she clutched the front of her father's robes. "Father, if you ever loved, if you ever cared about my happiness for even one second, you won't make me marry a man I do not love!"

"Alliana - that - is - enough!" Ignatius yelled, shoving her to the floor hard as she let out a cry from the impact. "You will finish out this last year of Hogwarts; you will never speak, see, or associate with Sirius Black or any of his friends ever again; and then you will marry Killian and that is final!"

Without waiting for anymore pleadings from his youngest daughter, Ignatius stormed out of the study. Alliana lay on the floor, sobbing as she realized there would be no going back on the plan she'd had formed months previously in advanced.

Shakily standing, she wiped the tears from her cheeks before walking out of the study. She made her way up the stairs to her bedroom, not bothering to look in the direction of the drawing room. She knew her older sister, Ivory and their mother, Cosima, had been able to hear the entire exchange between the youngest Selwyn daughter and her father from in there.

Alliana made it to her room before closing the door, taking a few deep breaths.  She paced back and forth as she built up the courage to actually go through with what she was about to go through with.

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