4. Actions have consequences

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"That wasn't funny, Fred!" Those were the first words out of Mr

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"That wasn't funny, Fred!" Those were the first words out of Mr. Weasley's mouth as soon as he registered that the twins were standing right there.  "What on earth did you give that Muggle boy?"

"I didn't give him anything!" Fred defended, though he had the same evil smile he'd had back at the Dursleys.  "I just dropped it... It was his fault he went and ate it, I never told him to."

"You dropped it on purpose!" Mr. Weasley yelled Alex flinched away because she had never seen him so angry before. "You knew he'd eat it, you knew he was on a diet -"

"How big did his tongue get?" George asked, obviously eager to hear the success of their invention.

"It was four feet before his parents would let me shrink it!" Mr. Weasley exclaimed.

All the Weasleys, including Harry, began laughing. Alex bit back a smile, remembering that it was quite a stressful situation for Mr. Weasley. She dreaded to think what would've happened if she hadn't been there to lend a helping hand.

"I also had to threaten Harry's aunt and uncle with my wand just to get a clear path for him to shrink Dudley's tongue," Alex told the group, unable to hold back her laughter.

Everyone began laughing again.

"It isn't funny!" Mr. Weasley continued. "That sort of behavior seriously undermines wizard-Muggle relations! I spend half my life campaigning against the mistreatment of Muggles, and my own sons -"

"We didn't give it to him because he's a Muggle!" Fred argued.

"No, we gave it to him because he's a great bullying git," George finished. "Isn't he, Harry?"

"Yeah, he is," Harry defended quickly, obviously not wanting the twins to get into trouble.

"Yeah, you saw how awful he and his family were being to you, Mr. Weasley," Alex added as well. "Who knows what could've happened if I hadn't been there to help you?"

"That's not the point!" Mr. Weasley exclaimed before turning back to the twins. "You wait until I tell your mother -"

"Tell me what?" A new voice questioned.

Everyone froze.

Alex turned to see that Mrs. Weasley was walking into the kitchen now, which caused her eyes to widen.  She knew that the older woman was not a fan of the joke shop that Fred and George wanted to open up. George had told Alex about their mum burning the order forms that she had found and how she lost it when she found out they wanted to open a joke shop.

Alex glanced nervously over at the twins as Mrs. Weasley greeted Harry before she turned her attention back to her husband.

"Tell me what, Arthur?" She repeated.

Nervously, Mr. Weasley remained silent, which Alex knew meant that he hadn't actually intended to tell her what the twins had done.  She couldn't help but wonder if they would oust her for giving them the idea to test the product on Dudley.  She did not wish to face the wrath of Molly Weasley.

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