Chapter Thirteen: Nice of You to Show Your Face

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Angel landed in Daisy's yard and placed the new girl on the ground. Her baggy grey hoodie just about swallowed her whole. The sleeves drooped over her hands. Round hazel eyes peered out from under the hood, and light brown ringlets framed her face. Her intensity reminded Angel of the time he spooked a raccoon. The animal looked at him in much the same, suspicious way.

He pulled his wings inside, then grabbed his crumpled shirt from his back pocket and shrugged it on.

Butterflies flitted amongst the blooming wildflowers. Chubby bumblebees buzzed through the dense rose bushes in the garden. Angel led the way down the stone path to the front door and Kismet tagged along a few feet behind. 

She walked as if she were fast asleep, moving with the fluid certainty of a dream. Her energy moved in dual waves. One sat on the surface, running like rapids in furious, panicked motion while the other, deeper stream held steady and vast. He had no idea what to make of that, or her. 

It was really none of his business, but the girl intrigued him.

"What brings you to the island?" He asked.

"My powers get... they're a lot."

"Why didn't you come sooner? You know, as a kid?"

Kismet tensed. "I'm here now."

When Alistair had told him she was a telepath, at first he had been anxious. The thought of someone digging around in his head was horrifying, but he had to trust that she wouldn't. Though her abilities were so obviously out of control, Angel was relieved he seemed to be resistant.

It also confirmed Cassie's theory, but also gave him more questions. 

It's strange how a body resistant to energy abilities would somehow develop energy abilities. It explains how my powers were repressed for so long, but I still didn't know how they got there.

Daisy opened the door, ushering them inside. They were immediately greeted by the warm scent of freshly burned sage.  Even though Daisy's empathic abilities could have no influence on Angel, he still found Daisy's house to be a space of calm. Now, he could see why. It was not just her abilities, but her essence itself that went into maintaining the energetic integrity of her home. It was right down to the choices in furniture, and knick-knacks, and where she decided to place them. 

"And who is this?" Daisy asked. The woman's life-force radiated a steady wave of vibrant citrus and rustic oak.

"Kismet," said the girl, shaking Daisy's hand.

They followed Daisy into the living room. The tall, slender woman sunk into the overstuffed couch and crossed her legs. Her effortless elegance made any piece of furniture beneath her look like a throne. The hazy orange light of the salt lamp cast her smooth dark skin in a soft glow.

Angel slouched in the arm-chair and Kismet perched on a wicker poof, unable to take her eyes off the older woman.  

The sharpness in Kismet's eye vanished and she visibly relaxed. Angel was slightly jealous. He often wished Daisy could change his emotions, but he was also thankful no one could have that kind of control. 

"Alistair found her on the mainland," he explained. "She needs help with her powers." 

 Kismet didn't look up from the ground. "I didn't know what else to do."

"Why not The Academy?" Daisy asked.

"I feel silly now, but Ivy made me nervous," said Kismet. "I thought if I could come here then, well, I don't know exactly what I was thinking to be honest. I'm so sorry to be causing such a fuss. I would have just gone to The Academy, but -"

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