"You touch her again, I swear I'll beat the shit out of you and make sure your life is hell, okay?"

He nods. I was so angry that I wanted to kill him, right now and right here. I breathe in and out through my nose to calm myself. I let him go and go see Molly passed out on the bed. I take her in my arm in bridal style and get outside of here. I get outside of this home and go to my car. I put her in the front passenger seat and fasten the seat belt. I close the door and get behind the wheel. I look at her passed out and let out a sigh. The fuck am I gonna do with her? I start the car, get out of the driveway and get on the road. I stop on the way to her home, at a convenience store. I go to buy a bottle of blue raspberry Gatorade since I know it's her favourite one. I buy a pack of chips, original Lays and get back in the car, start on the car and drive. I hear a sigh next to me, I look and see her starting to wake up. Her brown eyes open themselves next to me.

"Where am I?"

I hand her the Gatorade. She takes it and drink it.

"You passed out under the rich boy"

"I know but where are you taking me"

"At your home"

"Didn't need you to take me home, I was completely fine," she talks back coldly.

"Yeah, I saw that, he would've raped you if I didn't stop the guy"

"Fuck you"

"With pleasure"


"Meanie," I answer back with a sly smile on the corner of my cheeks.

We were already close to her home. She opens the door and tries to get out of the car, but she pukes out of the car. Not again! I get out of the car and take her in my arms and take her inside her house. She sits in her stairs while I'm undoing her shoes, ties before removing her shoes from her feet. I put them in the entry. She's slowly falling asleep as I'm taking care of her. I take her in my arms again, taking her upstairs to her room. I lay her down in her bed, took her under her bed sheets, put a kiss on her forehead and goes to close the light.



She didn't answer probably already asleep. Before leaving her room and closing her door behind me, I look back. I go downstairs walking down the stairs. I hear somebody coming up from the basement stairs then suddenly appear in the corner of my eye, I see her mother appear from the end of the steps, looking at me.

"Is she okay?" she asks a bit concerned.

"Y~yes, she is"

"Are you too... back together or...?"

"Hmm... No, no we're not, I just helped her get out of trouble tonight"

"She told me everything, even though I do think it was a bit bad what you did, I think she could've let you explain and act less stubborn,"

I didn't know what to say, so I just nod.

"She had a couple of drinks I think, I just want you to know I tried to check up on her"

"No need for Noah, my daughter is really stubborn, take care of yourself for now, don't worry about her"

Her mom starts going up the stairs.

"Be careful on the road"

"I will, thank you, goodbye"

I leave her house, get back in my car and drive to my place. I felt so angry. I put my hands tightly around the steering wheel, making my nails sink into the leather on it. My body temperature was getting higher as I was thinking of tonight. But then I remembered that if she was here with me right now, by my side like before, she'd take my hand in hers, squeeze it tightly, tell me to inhale and exhale to calm myself down. I take a breath and exhale, doing what she told me to do once. Fuck you Molly, you're so you! You're so bad and selfish sometimes, even though you can be so sweet, hot and kind. I wanna scream my lungs out, destroy something and make it break. I hate to see her like that, taking so much risk and not caring what consequences could happen next. I can hear her again in my head scream at me, "I fucking hate you, Noah!" with tears filling her eyes corners, pushing me away, refusing me to apologize or even comfort her. The way she looked at me like I was the biggest mistake she made of her life. Driving my car toward my street. I park and stop the engine in the driveway, open the door and get out. I get in the house and take my shoes off in the doorway of the home entrance. I go in the kitchen putting my car keys on the counter and open the fridge. I take a beer and goes to sit on the couch in the living room. I notice my dad sleeping on the couch with a couple of empty beer bottles on the ground next to it. He's starting to drink again, fuck. My dad has been drinking like a fish since my mom died in a car accident when I was eleven years old. He'd get to rehab and AA meeting sometimes saying he would change. It's been almost a month since he came back from his last rehab. I use to believe him when he said he would come back a changed and better man, but now I just don't make myself any expectation and try not to care, even though seeing him like that is pathetic. I take the empty bottles on the ground and go throw them away in the trash in the kitchen. With all this absent parenting in my life at home, I had to compensate for everything around the house, the meal, the house payment, helping Daisy, my little sister who's two years younger than me. Had to take even more responsibility on my life, but I wasn't the easiest child even when my mom was still here. Growing up in the puberty Daisy took example with me unfortunately and got herself in trouble, leading her to get in youth centers sometimes just like this month she was. She'd call me from the centre on few occasions or send letter to us. Daisy always had this happy personality when she was younger, every time she'd walk in a room, it's like a a sun would appear in your life. Tomorrow would be the day I'd have to go get her at the centre and after we'd go take breakfast in a restaurant together like we talked about in our letter. But face to everything, I always felt helpless. What if I never make it out of here? Will I end up like my dad, a pathetic alcoholic? I go up to my room and set up an alarm for tomorrow at nine a.m., on my phone and try to get to sleep.

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