Start from the beginning

Indigo awkwardly shifted on her feet. "As much as I would love to stay here and listen to you two argue, I have a Euro test to make up. Bonnie, I'll see you at lunch?"

The loud ping of a text notification interrupted whatever Bonnie was going to say. Her lips parted open in confusion as she pulled her phone out, reading the text message with concern. "Uh...I don't think so."

"Why? What's wrong?" Jeremy inquired.

"It's Damon."

That was Indigo's cue to leave. She gave her cousin's shoulder a squeeze before whisking herself into the school.

Her day dragged on, and as much as she tried to focus, she couldn't think of anything but Editha. During lunch, instead of eating, Indigo decided on spending her free time in the library as she read over Editha's journal. Despite the disastrous day, Damon had surprisingly kept his word, slipping the items to her just as she'd gotten out of the car. Indigo had it tucked carefully into a copy of The Great Gatsby just in case someone happened to be paying attention to her.

She wanted to hate Editha, but honestly, Indi couldn't blame her for her actions. Life in the old times seemed like hell on earth — wolves roaming around, reckless and untamed, vampires killing people in droves, and witches turning against each other in order to survive. At the center of it all was Niklaus Mikaelson and the rest of the Mikaelson family; they were untouchable and made sure it was known.

She chewed her lip as she stared at the pages in front of her. While she was horrified reading about some of the monstrosities Klaus had committed (slaughtering entire villages out of spite seemed to be his forte), it only made her all the more curious about what was the final straw for Elijah. She hadn't seen the dapper man since he proposed that deal.

Indigo figured that he would find her whenever he wanted to.

Her back tensed as she felt a pair of eyes on her. Indigo glanced up from her book, curiously observing her surroundings. Standing at the check out desk was the boy from earlier — Luka, she remembered Bonnie saying. He was subtly looking at her through the library window as the librarian checked out his books.

"Weirdo." Indi muttered under her breath, slamming the grimoire shut. Maybe Jeremy was right about him. Her phone blared just then, causing the teens who were studying at nearby tables to give her the evil eye. She glared back, gathering her things louder than necessary.

"Hi, mommy." Indigo answered, ducking out of the warm library. She easily stepped into the flow of moving students.

"Hi," Irene's voice filled her ears. "I was just calling to check on you. How are things going?"

"They're...going." She answered vaguely.

Irene let out a small hum. "Has Rudy been home lately?"

"Nope." Indi scoffed. Even though they were family, she couldn't stand both of Bonnie's parents — they'd both abandoned her in one form or the other. Indigo didn't think Rudy was any better than Abby, even despite his political position in Richmond. "I don't think he'll be here anytime soon, either. The biweekly checks are nice, though."

"Maybe I shouldn't have let you move to Virginia," Indi could practically see the frown on Irene's face. "Bonnie would've been better off in Manhattan. I mean, you two have no supervision."

"Mom, it's fine. I'm eighteen, Bonnie's seventeen...there's nothing to worry about." Indigo tried her best to soothe her mother's worries, even if she was telling a bold-faced lied.

"I just don't feel comfortable with you two being all alone in that house," Irene stressed. "Mystic Falls is not a safe town for people like us. I'll be calling Rudy later on today."

HOLY GHOST | KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now