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"ARE YOU ON DRUGS?" Indigo squinted at Rose as she watched the vampire absentmindedly flip through the pages of a book. "I'm not married."

Aside from the fact that she had literally only been eighteen for a month, there was also the glaring issue of witches being weird about marriage. They couldn't just marry and live life together like normal people did — marriages for witches literally required binding your life to someone else's, which was less than ideal. Her Grams never married, and neither did her aunt Abby. Irene Bennett was the only one who'd actually made that step, and while she considered it being the ultimate form of love, Indigo considered it being stupid.

"Not yet." Rose uttered matter-of-factly.

"Not ever," Indigo corrected with an annoyed huff. "And even if I were to get married, what does that have to do with you kidnapping me?"

Rose dug through the pile for a moment, pulling out two books that were hidden in the chaos. Indigo's breath hitched at the pull she felt towards them. She'd never seen them before, but as she stood there, hungry and exhausted, she found herself fighting the urge to reach out and touch them.

"Do you recognize these?" Rose dangled them in the air.


"They belonged to your ancestor, Editha. Things were different back then, you see — in between vampires and werewolves terrorizing the earth, disease, and war, it was hard for witches to survive. They tried their best, but there was only so much they could do..."

"Bennett witches have always had power. My Grams said that we're one of the most powerful bloodlines."

"There's a reason for that," Rose gave her a pointed look. "Research goes a long way, Indigo Bennett. Your family has power at their fingertips because of the deal your ancestor made."

Indigo narrowed her eyes suspiciously at the vampire. "What deal? What are you talking about?"

"Editha made a deal — one of her descendants would have to marry one of the original vampires in order for the Bennett family to keep their power. You're the lucky one."

"Bullshit." Indigo instantly denied. It didn't make sense to her why Editha — whoever that was — would have her tied to an original vampire. Were any of the original vampires even still alive?

"I have no reason to lie to you," the spiky-haired woman insisted. "Haven't you noticed something different about your magic?"

Indigo bristled at the question. As much as she hated to admit it, she was an anomaly. She couldn't think of any other witch in her bloodline — or in any bloodline — whose magic depended on the emotions of other people rather than nature itself. It made her much more destructive and unpredictable than anyone on the Other Side could've anticipated. It was unnatural, as her Grams always told her, and she needed to use it wisely. If she didn't, the Spirits would have it out for her.

But if what Rose was saying was true, they already did have it out for her.

Rose walked over to Indigo, handing it to her solemnly. "I suggest you read through these."

Rose disappeared, leaving Elena and Indigo alone. Indigo stared down at the grimoires, familiarity filling her chest. Fuck this, she thought as she ripped a tiny piece of paper off of one of the pages. She couldn't waste time deciphering whether or not Rose was being honest about her captivity or not. They needed to get out of there, and they needed to do it quickly. Indigo wasn't about to sit around and wait for them to be shipped off to their death (and potentially her future husband).

"What are you doing?" Elena whispered, nosily peeking over Indigo's shoulder.

Indi ignored her, standing up to search for something to write with in the messy pile of books that were scattered across the floor. "Looking for something."

HOLY GHOST | KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now