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AFTER WATCHING ELIJAH BLOW UP A COFFEE SHOP WITH A COIN, INDIGO WAS DONE WITH THE SUPERNATURAL FOR A WHILE. So the next morning, she'd woken up at her usual time, ploddingly going through her morning routine in an effort to regain some sense of normalcy. Bonnie had left earlier than her, probably to go see Elena or one of the other members of the Mystic Falls supernatural club, which left her alone in her thoughts.

On the drive to school, Indigo promised herself that she was not going to get sucked into any more shenanigans for a while. The originals had already left her head spinning, and she was going to need time to regroup if she was going to get herself out of the mess she'd involuntarily been included in.

Indigo was almost in the school when her day started going downhill. She paused in her steps as she felt magic flowing all around her. The wind suddenly picked up, the previously burning sun being overcome with dark, stormy clouds. Indigo squinted up at the sky in confusion, trying to place where the energy was coming from. Bonnie wasn't strong enough to do this — was she? Indigo's eyes darted around the courtyard, landing on Bonnie talking (more like flirting) with an unfamiliar boy.

"You know him?" Jeremy Gilbert's voice interrupted her thoughts. Indi glanced over her shoulder, finding the tall boy closing in on her with a frown.

"Nope," Indigo replied suspiciously. "Do you?"

"He's a new kid. He's been lurking around Bonnie a lot. He's weird — I don't trust him." Jeremy eyebrows furrowed deeply.

"Right," Indigo shot him a knowing look. "And your lack of trust has nothing to do with your feelings for her?"

"What feelings?" The tall boy's cheeks were dusted with a rosy pink blush.

"I'm an empath, little Gilbert. I can feel how jealous you are." Indigo informed him, her lips twitching upwards. She didn't know him all that well, but she knew that he made Bonnie happy, and that's all that mattered to her.

"So you can tell if he's trustworthy or not?"

Indi shrugged, returning her attention to the giggling duo. "Right now I'm not getting any ill feelings from him. Have you considered the possibility that he doesn't have any ulterior motive? Maybe he just thinks she's cute."

"That's what I'm worried about." Jeremy muttered, stalking towards the pair with determined strides.

Indigo let out a short breath, making sure to follow closely behind him. She didn't want Jeremy to cause a scene or making things uncomfortable for Bonnie, and she was prepared to step in if she needed to.

"Crazy weather, huh?" Jeremy hiked his bag higher over his shoulder, peering at the boy with a heavy gaze.

"Yeah, man, global warming..." The boy lamely replied. He glanced at Indigo, his eyes lingering on her curiously as the wind slowed back to its normal speed.

"Luka, this is my cousin Indi. Indi, this is Luka." Bonnie gestured between the two with a warm smile.

"Nice to meet you." Luka offered his hand for her to shake.

"Likewise." Indigo raised her eyebrows in surprise as they touched. He was a warlock. And judging by the starstruck gaze in Bonnie's eyes, she was fully aware of it.

"I gotta get to class," Luka shoved his hands into his pockets, backing away from the group. "But I'll see you around, Bonnie."

"Yeah." Bonnie nodded, lifting her hand to wave at his retreating figure.

"That guy's weird, huh?" Jeremy scoffed once the warlock was out of earshot.

"No. He's not." Bonnie defended him.

HOLY GHOST | KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now