21 A good boss never shouts or fights.

Start from the beginning

Lilly smacked her head, shaking it lightly. "She isn't asking about that!"

Alvin's mom laughed waving it off, "I am asking whether if you have been going on dates, pumpkin."

"Oh!" this was my reaction.

"So you have been!" she exclaimed excitedly gaining everyone's attention on our table now. Alvin was staring at his mom intently and without any expression on his face.

"Yes, Violet, tell her about it, "Lilly encouraged with an evil smirk.

"She doesn't seem to have any problem in that area." came a quiet but heavy voice from my right where Alvin was sitting.

"As if you noticed," I muttered yet again remembering that eventful day in the mall.

"Oh, I remember it explicitly. I was the one who witnessed your kiss you know," his gruff voice lowered even more.

Someone cleared their throat wanting to catch our attention and they were ignored.

I scoffed. "You are one to talk."

"What's going on?" Richy asked looking at both of us now.

"What are you talking about?" Alvin asked now, leaving his spoon on the table with a clank.

"Oh, nothing. It wasn't as if you were clinging to Khloe, arms in arms, in the middle of a store. As if you were in the middle of enacting a bedroom scene!"

Loud gasps followed in the room. My family definitely knows how to act as a part of dramatic melodrama.

"What! You and Khloe? Are guys back together?" Richy asked his mouth wide open.

"No, we are not! and no nothing happened between us." Alvin gritted irritated.

"Could have fooled me." I scoffed again. I tried not to show or to be jealous about that but it couldn't be helped.

"Care to repeat that?" Alvin closed in breathing on my face. It was rare to see him this riled up. It was once in a once-in-a-year event. Just like our fight.

Maybe I am overreacting but I-

"Did you guys fight? why are you sulking?" My dad asked. We ignored him.

"Dad, don't get caught in the crossfire!" Ricardo hissed, pulling him back.

"That is why you were being distant?" Alvin asked confusion crossing his face.

"I am doing what you asked me to!" I stated not looking at him.

"Don't turn your back on me damn it. Look at me and talk," he growled this time and everyone sank in their seat. I could see it.

His voice was already like a bomb and when he shouted it was like an atom bomb. I am sorry for my analogy but I was not getting anything else to explain.

"You said, not to touch you or come near you!" I breathed slowly at first and nearly shouted at the end.

"When did I say that?" he wasn't dropping this.


Realization dawns upon him  "I was drunk yesterday!"

"We know that," I said quietly.

"Then quit being a brat about it already!" he snapped, getting off his chair. I followed suit.

"This escalated pretty fast," Aunt Samantha whispered to her husband.

I took a deep breath "Why are you shouting?" I asked calmly, my hands in a tight fist.

"Why are you so damn frustrating?" He growled in my face stepping closer.

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