21 A good boss never shouts or fights.

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We finally reached our destination and a tall white building stood in front of us and still with all that bickering in the car, my cake was safe and so was my pudding that survived the hand slip incident.

I ran straight inside leaving the cake in the safe hands of my co-passengers. Better safe than sorry.

"My Princess, why do you keep growing every year?" Was my father's complaint when I was within his reach. 

He gave me his super dad's hug, a kiss on my head, a birthday wish, and a credit card in my hand without my brothers noticing. The grin on my face was automatic.

He had amazing skills in hiding stuff. Only if I could gloat in front of my brothers. It would make my day. No, it would make my year.

Next was Alvin's parent. Alvin's mom took me in her arms, squeezing me like a balloon.

"Aunt Samantha, are you trying to see if I would burst?" I asked wheezing and laughing at the same time.

"Maybe I am. This is your punishment for not coming to meet me for a long time," she squeezes me again and I squeak groaning painfully. 

"No wonder uncle is afraid of you. " I joked painfully and she laughed, finally satisfied. She let go with a wish and a kiss on my cheek.

And last but not least, Uncle Carter. A somewhat older version of my best friend. He stepped forward and I took a step back on instinct. Everyone laughed at my reaction. It wasn't my fault through. Just imagine if Aunt Samantha was this brutal, then Uncle Carter would not let me go easily.

"Come here you, little pumpkin!" Uncle dragged me in a gentle hug which was surprising. "I think my wife punished you enough." he wished and I sagged in relief.

"Oh! I knew you were my favorite uncle for a reason." I grinned stepping back. Though we were not blood-related I didn't like them calling them by their names, hence uncle and aunt.

" That better be the truth!" he warned playfully, patting my head as if I were his favorite pet. That's a story for another time.

Well back to our dinner now. Currently, Lilly, my two brothers, Ricky and Richard, and My dad and Alvin's Parents were the ones present in the room. 

We always celebrated our birthdays in a big hall. Big enough for all of us. Booking a room separately resulted in our parents not arguing about where to celebrate our birthdays. It was economical as well and stress-free.

We were not this rich once you know and some things are hard to leave even if you have money to spend now. So they contributed and booked the room. Still maintaining their old ways and rituals.

"I still don't understand why you are wasting your time with my son when you could be living off your amazing cooking," Uncle Carter commented his mouth full, whilst his wife smacked his arm repeatedly telling him to behave and eat like a civilized man.

I just grinned wider. I knew I made good food and I even had a degree in it but I was just taking my time off or you could say that I was collecting money to open my establishment. If I haven't told you earlier, my dear brothers and Alvin were partners in a software company specializing in gaming.

I was just here to earn some extra money. Also it helped that I had some basic knowledge of this work after following Alvin around for so many years.

Anyhow coming back to the present we have ordered our food and I was happily munching on mine when Aunt Samantha started grilling me about my love life.

"Tell me, Violet, have you been going out?" she had asked and I answered it without thinking twice.

"Yes of course Aunty, I have to go to work you know"

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