Cup of Coffee

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My sweet cup of coffee
I'm ready for a sip
Once, twice, and more
To keep myself awake.

Sometimes it seems tasteless
Rarely it gets sweet
When the coffee is sugary
Now the poison works.

Such a daredevil.
I keep drinking the coffee.
The sugar is expired
Keep melting, I'll drink.

Salty raindrops
Mixed with the cup
I cover, conceal the other cups
Letting mine soaked with water.

Everyone is enjoying
Their tasty, unique cups of coffee
I have been stuck with mine
For a hundred and eighty days.

Sweet but bitter coffee
I take some sips again
Waiting for the sweetness
One day, to taste, to last longer.

Author's Note: Coffee is a metaphor, I actually don't drink coffee. It is like some talks about life, quite simple to solve it(?)
This is actually my favorite poem so far. :]

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