Disconnect (4)

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You sent something.
I didn't answer you
Turned off, DND mode
Grey status.

Days kept going through
The familiar sound
Always in the afternoon
I turned a blind eye.

My warm home, but my phone was cold.
No motion, unlike everyday.
More peace? Maybe?
I was decisive, at last.

"Hey, ■■■
How are you, dude?
Why are you still hanging there?
Why don't you find another flower?"

The other line was silent
You made a sobbing noise
You weren't a loner, you felt lonely.
You were open, but no one came.

No one answered me.
Was he okay? Was he faltered?
I kept on thinking.

A pity feeling.
For the abandoned.
The day I chose to be active.
You turned into passive.

Words To Somebody (Poem Book)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora