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A reminder of our Pizza Party
No one was so happy, obviously
They went into distractions, clearly.
Colder, disinterested, rumination went too far.
That their words turn into blades.
And their heads are torches
I was burnt...from afar.

First, the pizza party.
Second, the fresh garden,
Now, the pet playground.
I have no such amazing powers
To let them receive freedom.

Literally. I want to cry.

My dear ones.
They don't always blend in
But they are my beloved.
I'm neutral,
But I'm afraid to see a future tragedy.
Everything breaks again, in a nick of time.

This poem is rather different than normal. 
Context: A guy who has been a witness of multiple fights and disagreements between his close ones, some has broken, some are on going. These makes he feel painful to the core.

Words To Somebody (Poem Book)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora