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There was Mr. Fritz Fischer, winning a staring contest with his pint of ale.

If he wants to be alone, then that is clearly his prerogative. You shrug and follow your new friends to your table on the other side of the restaurant.

The wine was poured and the conversations started flowing.

Francesca and Pierre are from Marseille, in the south of France. The two met in college and have been seeing each other for the last three years. She is a budding designer working for one of the niche fashion brands you haven't heard of before. The company focuses mainly on ethereal and highly structured pieces that are clearly too abstract or functional for everyday wear. But she says it is a great place to develop her network as she would like to have her very own design studio one day.

Pierre, on the other hand, is a business operations manager. His job had become full-time remote due to recent changes which allows him to travel extensively. Francesca joins him when she can, which in her industry, is not as often as she would like. Though, this does not stop them from having weekend trips much like this one.

Francesca is bright and bubbly, yet unerringly sophisticated. She holds herself with a gracefulness and posture only cats naturally possess. She glides when she walks and moves with a certain gentle fluidity. The two of you hit it off immediately. She shows you pictures of their previous travels on her instagram account and it boggles your mind to see just how articulate and poignant her artistic perspective is. She is someone who truly has a voice and something to say. 

"Cherie, you simply must come visit us in Marseille! I insist! You will see, the men are beautiful and the views are even better. You will love it there. I swear." Francesca leans in to emphasize her point.

"I'll definitely add Marseille to the itinerary of places I will visit this summer, as long as you show us around." You jest.

"But, of course! Who else but your new bestie can be up to task!? Also, we need to get you new clothes.  Who knows when or if they will ever find your luggage. A girl must have look her best when she goes out with her guy." She winks as she looks at Paulo.

Meanwhile, Paulo and Pierre are deep in conversation regarding some new vacation hot spot that's trending on TikTok.

"Oh no, it's not like that. I mean, I don't know. He seems nice, though." I tried to clarify.

"It's quite simple, no? If you like him and he likes you then c'est ça. There's no need to dissect it too deeply. It could just be what they call a... summer fling." Francesca nonchalantly handwaving your over analysis. "Didn't you say this is your once in a lifetime adventure? Don't hold yourself back now."

She raises her glass to give a toast for the whole table and soon enough you find yourselves opening another bottle of rare vintage courtesy of Pierre who was more than happy to flip the bill for the entire dinner.

On your way back, the four of you take the long way tracing the river that fed into the Mediterranean. The street lamps were wrought iron and the cobble streets were uneven.

Everything seems so old and yet are all new to your senses. Pierre and Francesca are walking ahead. Her face comfortably leaning against his shoulder.

You wanted to take in the whole scene, the whole night. Trying earnestly to commit every detail to memory, you spin to take a panoramic mental image. You almost trip on a brick but Paulo catches you. His hair falling off his face and his arms sizable and sure.

There was a moment. A second of possibility...

...but neither of you took it.

Instead, you take his hand and you walk along the dimly lit harbor tacitly marveling at the stars as they slowly sharpen into view.

You didn't return to the hostel until late, not realizing how long dinner could go.

Back at the Erasmus, you bid Paulo a good night with a kiss on the cheek. You think to yourself, "This is the best day I have had in a quite a while." And you would be right.

On the way back to your room, you see Danny sweeping by the elevator. "Hey, (Name)! How's your date?"

"It was great. I really like getting to know Paulo..." You were interrupted mid sentence as a loud crash is heard from the nearby kitchen. Both of you quickly look to see Mr. Fritz Fischer holding open air while a broken jar of mushy fish slowly spreads on the floor.

"You okay, bro? I mean, Mr. Fischer." Danny quickly reached him in three long strides as you shuffled hastily behind.

"What even is that?" Danny asks, looking at the pickled herring and cucumbers on the floor.

"Yes. Yes, I am fine. It is a common German hangover cure, Katzenjammer." Danny still wasn't sure what to make of the man's answer. Instead, Danny leaves to find a rag and a mop, leaving you alone with Mr. Fritz Fischer.

"Let me see. Did you hurt your hand?" Your medical training kicking in. You grab his hand and they feel heavy as you lift them up closer to your face for a more intimate inspection. They are calloused and hairy. Veiny but supple. Fetid but otherwise uncut.

You look up at him, towering over you. "Well, you seem fine Mr. F. Next time you need a hangover cure please let me know. I carry some pills for that."  You say as you begin going through your bag and hand him a couple of Liquid IV tablets.

"Are you sure you're fine? You don't look fine." His face now looks contorted and it's unsettling considering how flat his affect normally is.

"Thank you for your concern, (Name)." He takes the pills and chokes them down without the aid of water.

"So you do know name. You left so quickly this morning, I wasn't sure you even heard me say my name." You retort.

"Is it me? Did I do something wrong? You seem to be avoiding me." There goes your mental gremlins again making you say things out loud. Still, you're a woman of science. You like to seek answers. In fact, you demand it through scientific discovery. This time you step closer to his face demanding answers.

In response, he leans in. Finally, some answers you think to yourself. That is, until he utters, "Your skin looks so dry and ashy. You need to incorporate exfoliation as part of your skincare routine."

*Complete devastation*

Before you could react, Danny comes back with rags, a mop, and a bucket. They start cleaning.

In exasperation and outrage, you harumph back to your room... where you meticulously exfoliate your face red for the next couple of minutes.

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