An afternoon with Paulo

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"...It was nice to meet you, Mr. Fritz Fischer."

These were the only words your brain could formulate as you stare at the softly closing door.

It bothers you that this man appears to be actively avoiding you. You remind yourself some people are just naturally introverted and that not everything should be taken personally. So you try to brush it off. Instead, you focus on why you are on this vacation to begin with.

You are about to start your medical residency in the fall. The first in your blue-collar family to graduate both college and secondary education. The last ten years have been a blur of getting the best grades, not having a social life, and innumerable hours spent in the library and internships all in the pursuit of unrelenting academic excellence. It wasn't until your family pooled resources together to send you to the vacation of your dreams that you finally took a break. Obviously, they weren't just going to let you go alone so a compromise was made to have your best friend, Taylor, come with you since she is well traveled and quite trip savvy. But you are a tough cookie in your own right. You are the youngest sibling, having grown up with three overly rambunctious and equally overprotective older brothers who taught you how to deal with handsy and aggressive men.

You refocus, telling yourself that this is your much-deserved opportunity to unwind and indulge in your wonder lust and need for unregimented spontaneity. After a quick touch up, you find yourself downstairs in a white floral dress and a fairly nice crossbody bag that you received as a graduation gift.

Paulo is already there sitting in the lobby talking to a young man you haven't met before. He is wearing a blue beach button up and white pants same as this morning. He smiles and stands up as he looks at you from across the room.

"Ciao, bella!" He meets you halfway and gives you a kiss on both cheeks. He partially sidesteps to introduce his friend, a blonde guy with the features one would expect to see from a runway model. "This is my childhood friend, Giorgio. We grew up running around the streets of Milan. This is new friend, (Name)."

Giorgio steps in to give you kiss on both cheeks as well. "It is so nice to meet you, (Name). I hear that Paulo will be giving you a tour of the town, yes?"

You nod in response. "Will you be joining us, Giorgio?"

"No, I am afraid I am spoken for. A big all hands meeting in a couple of minutes." He points to his laptop charging in the coffee table next to him.

"But I promise, I will make it up to you." Luca looks back and forth between you and Paulo and says, "Let's grab dinner tomorrow night. My boyfriend should be here by then and I would love everyone to meet. I know the chef of the best pizza place in the city. You simply must join us. Please say yes?" Both of you accede quickly.

"Feel free to bring anyone else." He waves before he fades into the small business center to take his meeting.

Paulo extends his arm. "Ready, principessa?" The two of you fade out into the sun-bleached streets outside.

The afternoon was spent walking through lush gardens, centuries old buildings, and one particularly sumptuous fountain at the center of the city. It turns out that Paulo works for the Erasmus chain of international hostels. His job as the Social Media Director for the European region allows him to travel to the different locations to create content and increase engagement.

"Does it get tiring to always be on the go and living off your luggage bags? I asked earnestly as we sat under the shade of a tree I can't identify. A welcome respite from the oppressive heat of the mediterranean summer sun. From there, we had a great view of the people congregating on the fountain below.

"No, not at all. I grew up in Milan and it is actually quite diverse. As a kid, I was always amazed at how well traveled and cultured people are: the tourists, the fashionistas, and all the business people. Once I was old enough, I left. I just had this itch that could only be satiated by seeing the world and meeting new people. That part will never get old. Sure, I go back to see my family but my soul is hungry for new experiences and developing relationships. Maybe someday, I would love to settle down but I can't imagine not doing what I'm doing now. It's not really about the job but what it is allowing me to do. There is so much beauty and wisdom that other people can show us, if we are willing to learn."

He is so insightful. I admire that about him.

After the afternoon heat dissipated, Paulo offers me a hand up, "I know an amazing place where we can see the sunset. Are you up for it, mi principessa?"

A short walk and some skullduggery later, I found myself atop a bell tower starring at the blurry horizon where the cloudless sky touches the pristine water. I have also found myself having told him all of my life story, my motivations for wanting to be a doctor, and my budding jealousy to be much like him and to see more of the world.

He asks very thoughtful questions. It's quite refreshing in contrast to all the medical and science questions I usually field from friends, family, and teachers. I lean over the balcony to see how the azure blues slowly turn purple and ombré into reds. Finally, the dusk takes over as the city below begins to twinkle as households and buildings begin to light up on their own. The silhouette of the city emerges in contrast to the emerging darkness.

We tried to sneak out of the tower as stealthily and quietly. It was a restricted area. But that only made it exciting!

I messaged Francesca and Pierre to meet us at a nearby bistro for tapas and drinks. As it turns out, they have both met Paulo the day before. We entered the bistro and there among the multitude of tourists and locals, I somehow zero in on a guy sitting in the bar nursing his drink.

There was he was, Mr. Fritz Fischer, not a hint of emotion on his face, winning a staring contest with his pint of ale.

 Fritz Fischer, not a hint of emotion on his face, winning a staring contest with his pint of ale

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