Part 1: Recruitment

Começar do início

"Who are you? Are you one of kingpins goons sent to kill me." I could sense two more guys outside the door.

"No, I'm here to ask for your help." She put down the cat. And took out a file handing it to me. I opened it looking through it. "A man name Loki stole the tesseract from the shield facility. he's not from around here."

"So what do you want for me?"

"We can really use your some help. You were the first super hero to exist and saved the lives of thousands."

"Listen this seems all like cool superhero stuff but I'm just a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man." It's no that I don't want to help it just that New York needs it's hero here.

"I understand. It bigger than what you're used to but it is for me to. But I do it because it's my job and I want to make up for my mistakes."

I don't if I should get involved. I would want to help but this is way different from what I have done.

I thought about it for a moment. I was usually aways fighting for the city and the little guy. My dad always said 'you help whenever the opportunity comes, you do it for everyone.' If this Loki guy has a weapon that can kill millions I can't stand by and let it happen. "...I will help you." She smiled.

"I'll give you some time to pack up." She walked out the front.

I started packing up some extra clothes and changed out of my suit packing it up. After packing we headed to jet and headed off

"I never got your name?" I realized that they had to know my Id for a while.

"Natasha Romanoff."


Me and Natasha arrived on a the aircraft carrier as we walked out I see Steve Roger's and Dr. banner. "Hey there Steve Roger's it honor to meet you." We both shook hands.

"It's honor to meet you too."

"It's a honor meet you to doctor." I held out my hand shaking his.

"Yeah I'm just glad it's on better terms than last time."

I then remembered our last encounter was fighting the abomination.

"Gentlemen, you may wanna step inside in a minute. It's gonna get a little hard to breathe."
The carrier began to lift up to the air. Bruce was a little worried about them being in the air. Since if he turned into the Hulk.

We walked into the ship seeing people working on computers trying to find Loki. "Mr. L/n I'm glad you decided help." A man with an eye patch said to me. "I'm Nick fury. I have kept an eye on you for sometime."

"Yeah a lot of people do." I remarked.

"Miss Romanoff can you show Y/n were he'll be staying."

"Of course." She led me to my room. I set down my things on the bed. I was in something bigger than I was used to but I have a responsibility. "I know this is a new to you but if you need anything feel free to ask me." She said with a caring smile.

"Thank you." She said left the room. "Oh shit, I didn't tell mom that I wouldn't be around for couple days." I said to myself I quickly grabbed my phone calling mom.

"Hey honey how are you." I heard her over the phone.

"Hey mom, I forgot to tell you, but I won't be around for a couple days."

"Why? Is everything okay."

"Yeah everything's fine you remember how MJ is moving out of her parents house, she just needs me to help her pack something's."

This is my destiny (Spider-Man Male reader in the mcu)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora