🌹part 8🌹

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Jungkook is smiling while caressing the flowers from Kim mansion's backyard. He then feel some strong arms wrapped around his waist.

"What is my baby doing here all alone hmm?" Taehyung whisper, sniffing Jungkook's hair.

Jungkook turn around to face the older. "Hyungie, you're back. Nothing I was looking at these flowers. Jin hyung has gone to hospital. He said he's having some works.

"I see. Are those flowers pretty, baby?"

"They do. Do you grow them, hyungie?".

"Not me. Jin hyung did. He love flowers that's why he grew them in this mansion. Anyway do you like flowers, bun?"

"I do. I really love flowers, hyungie". Jungkook exclaimed happily make Taehyung chuckle and pinch his nose.

"Then..." Taehyung suddenly pluck a Chamomile and Jungkook gasp. "Hyungie, why did you pluck it?"

"Baby, this flower is beautiful. But you know we can make it more beautiful if we give it to someone beautiful".

"Really? How is it hyungie?"

"Just like this, sweetheart". Taehyung tug the flower between Jungkook's ear, showing it's beautiful white coloured with the orange one in the middle.

He then look at Jungkook, smiling. "My baby is looking so beautiful right now". He said make Jungkook blush as he smile shyly. Having Jungkook's beautiful face with the flower really creat a very ethereal sight to Taehyung.

He place his palm on Jungkook's neck with his thumb caressing the soft cheeks make Jungkook leans to it.

Taehyung then move his thumb to caress Jungkook's lips. Jungkook close his eyes looking at the older who is staring deeply on his lips. Taehyung start to lean closer until Jungkook feel his lips weighted with Taehyung's soft one. Melting in that soft kiss, he trailed his arms around Taehyung's neck.

Taehyung start to dominant. He bite Jungkook's bottom lip, causing the younger to gasp as he insert his tongue inside, exploring the younger's hot cavern. Jungkook hummed, feeling ticklish with the movement in his mouth.

He began to suck Jungkook's tongue make him whimper in pleasure. He didn't do anything, just letting Taehyung control over their hot make out session.

"Jump on me, baby". Taehyung said between the kiss and Jungkook do as he said. Taehyung start to walk inside to their room with none of them breaking the kiss, dedicating to how well their tongues are playing with eachother right now.

In their shared bedroom, Taehyung pinned Jungkook against the wall, trapping the younger between his strong arms. His head began to move down to Jungkook's neck, planting some kisses on it.

Jungkook close his eyes and mouth opened, soft moans finally escaping his mouth.

"Aahh..h..hyungie..mmhh". He bite his lips to control his moans. Taehyung notice it and he start to bite Jungkook's neck leaving a hickey making the younger jolt up in surprised.

"Hmmm..so beautiful..my baby, only mine". Taehyung mouthed while giving open mouthed kisses Jungkook's neck, slightly licking it as the younger moaning mess.

"Umhh ahh..hyungie..." Jungkook moan, hands busy ruffling Taehyung's already mess hair.

"Mmhh baby your lips are so tasty". He pick Jungkook up and lay the younger on the bed and hovered above him. He give more kisses on Jungkook's neck, loving the beautiful moans of the younger.

Soon they pull away, Taehyung look at the hickeys he just created on Jungkook's neck. "Mmhh my baby is so beautiful. Did I hurt you, baby?" He ask, caressing the hickeys.

Mafia's Beautiful Boy(TAEKOOK FF)(COMPLETED✔️)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora