But before she could release Yudhishthir pulled his fingers out and with a sleepy look he looked at her trying to not smile and turned away from.
For a second Ruhi was taken aback but she hit his back with her fist and groaned in annoyance because he had playfully restricted her release.

After cursing him and mumbling a few incoherent words Ruhi also drifted into a deep slumber.

"Something is off with Tarun for a few days. He  is acting weird." Himanshi whispered in Ruhi's ears making Ruhi look at her in a second. Both of them glanced at their best friend who was acting very differently, very disturbed and sitting far away from them.

"Let Mr. Sisodiya's class gets over and we will talk to him and ask him." Ruhi suggested and Himanshi gave her a curt nod. After their economics class ended Himanshi and Ruhi ran behind Tarun who was about to leave the classroom.

"I have some work for Tarun so don't disturb him." Ruhi and Himanshi's eyes widened in surprise when they heard Mr. Sisodiya's harsh voice. They along with Tarun turned back and Mr. Sisodiya walked towards them.

He scanned Ruhi with his eyes which made her feel uncomfortable. She tried to smile but failed miserably and looked down. Himanshi sensed her discomfort and held her hand, trying to comfort her.

Tarun smiled a little at them and followed the teacher making Ruhi and Himanshi frown. They looked at each other and sighed. Something was very wrong and it was bothering them a lot.

The university campus was very big and as it was dispersal time for the morning batch the campus was almost empty. Ruhi and Himanshi were roaming around and talking to each other. They were very sad. They were missing Tarun.

"I think we should go back, I have to reach back home or else I will listen to an earful from Yudhishthir's dadi again for not being a good daughter-in-law." Her face fell again and Ruhi took a deep breath.

"You should tell Yudhishthir about all this." Himanshi suggested and Ruhi shook her head. She stared at her engagement ring and took a deep breath before telling Himanshi ,"No, I won't because Yudhishthir is really hot headed. He will lash out even his grandmother in front of everyone for asking me to give them a grandchild."

Himanshi nodded and both of them sat down on the floor and sat quietly for a few minutes before Himanshi broke the string of silence and said,"You should ignore them. You know these orthodox and old-fashioned ladies. They think that if a couple gets married they are supposed to have a baby right after a year of their marriage."

Ruhi chuckled and Himanshi huffed.

"It's ok. Mom said that I should say quiet and even she thinks that I should have a baby. Because of the 'Suryadeep bhaiya fisco'." Ruhi told Himanshi and her head dropped back against the wall.

Both of them stood up and were about to exit the building but a strange noise came from a classroom. They turned back in confusion and Himanshi said ,"I think someone is there in a classroom."

Ruhi nodded and both of them entered the classroom with a thought of solving a small mystery. Himanshi tightly held Ruhi's hand and both of them searched the classroom. But there was no sign of any type of commotion. Himanshi squinted her eyes in confusion and Ruhi casually shrugged her shoulders.

"Let's go." Ruhi suggested making Himanshi nod in response. But before both of them could step outside. The door closed with thud and both of them flinched with sudden effect.

"Oh no." Himanshi groaned and started banging the door and Ruhi quickly opened her phone and tried to call Nishant but due to the presence of jammers inside the university campus the signal was very weak, thus resulting in no connection.

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