meeting my new clan

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it's been two days since i was rescued from that metal prison. i barely remember what pandora was like before, and now here i am reborn into a world i don't recognize. as grateful as i am for a second chance at life on this beautiful moon, im saddened by all the harm and pollution the sky people have caused. and to think i haven't even seen the worst yet.

just as i was becoming comfortable at resistance HQ with my sister and captured siblings, so'lek decided he wanted to take ri'nela and i to meet his family and clan in the upper plains. he keeps telling us how the sarentu and zeswa were such good friends. in only 48 hours i've heard many stories of drinking zangke and story telling by the fires. i hope they welcome us warmly. so far other na'vi have been hesitant of our sarentu mark.

the journey from kinglor forest to the upper plains is a long one, and ri'nela and i have not yet bonded with an ikran. we would go on foot to help build our muscles and stamina, but 8.5 miles is a long walk, even for the most fit na'vi. that being said, so'lek kindly let me ride with him on zomey while his friend jake took ri'nela on his ikran bob.

as we flew i could not help but hang my mouth open in awe of the lands, but also in shock and disgust of the vast lands filled with pollution, and the multitude of metal towers pumping filth into the ground and air. one day we will send the sky people back to where they came from. but for now, we must build the resistance, join more clans together, prepare.

aside from holding my breath while flying over mining sights, the views of the lands were breathtaking. the irony in that right there is just pure. the RDA effect chokes you, steals your breath with intent to kill. yet pandora in its own self is just incredibly captivating, you forget that you're a living being on its surface. if i were to know about other worlds before this one, i wouldn't believe this place is real. i'm so in love with my home. i hope other na'vi still feel this way, enough to want to protect her. i need to help the others see with a fresh point of view like myself.

after what felt like only 10 minutes, we arrived at a large camp called "the circle" (or zakrus rest). as we landed it was quite hard to miss seeing the giant zakru. the zakru are large animals. they stand about 30 feet tall, and can be about 50-70 feet long. they have four legs, a long trunk nose and enormous tusks beside its mouth. many of the zakru have face and body paint, as well as beads and feathers in their fuzzy mane on their heads and tail. this is a way of showing they are a protected part of the clan. the zeswa protect the zakru and the zakru provide comfort and tranquility to the zeswa. this anomaly is rare, an entire species bonded with an entire clan. i've only ever heard about it happening from across the vast ocean, with the metkayina and their tulkun. i hope to see them one day. the ocean clans and the ocean ecosystem. one day...

now that the formalities with the zakru are done, getting to know the clan was next. this is quite a lot for one day, let only only being back alive for three.

so'lek introduced ri'nela and i to his sister, neyfika. neyfika is the tsahik of the zeswa clan. this clan is currently without an olo'eyktan. tsu'tey, neyfika's mate sadly returned to eywa while attempting to infiltrate an RDA air balloon. he was a great olo'eyktan from the stories im hearing walking through camp. i mean, im only eavesdropping. the fires are lit and many are dancing and singing, but i have no stories to tell and no songs to sing. once we met neyfika, so'lek and his friend jake introduced us to jake's mate neytiri. FINALLY another na'vi woman my age. neytiri is beautiful in an obvious way, and even smarter when she speaks. i hope her and i become close friends, after all ri'nela and i don't exactly have too much to talk about. after walking through the circle about seven times while nursing this one cup of zangke, i decided to grab my bow that so'lek gifted me and explore a little outside camp.

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