Chapter 5: The Man From Last Night

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Adriana's POV

A couple of minutes passed, and our classmates started arriving. It was not long until all the seats were taken.

"Oh, Adri, by the way, did you hear?" Molly suddenly turned in my direction. She was busy with her phone earlier that's why I couldn't talk to her because it'll be rude. I'm glad she got off her phone now and opened a conversation with me because I'm starting to feel awkward seeing my classmates talking to each other because they are all friends, and I have no one to talk to.

And I'm overwhelmed that she already came up with a nickname for me

"Yes?" I asked her.

"You're with Nate, right?"

Hearing his name triggered something in me. I drew a breath to calm my nerves down and quickly shook my head.

Molly creased his forehead at me. "But you were with him last night."

"Yeah, but we're not..." I trailed off.

She nodded slowly. "Yeah, I get it. But did you hear what happened to him?"

My heart suddenly started beating faster. Did something happen to him? Did my parents know about what he did to me?

"What happened?" I asked as I tried to contain the nervousness I was feeling in my heart right now.

Nate is horrible for what he did to me, but I also don't want my parents to do something terrible. Gosh, I really should be careful next time.

"Well, I don't know exactly, but he messaged in our group chat that he's not gonna be continuing to study here anymore without saying why," she answered, which, much to my relief.

"I wonder if you know the reason about it since it came all of a sudden."

I shook my head as I averted my head. "I have no idea."

I don't know if Molly and Nate are really close friends, and I don't know if Molly knows about what kind of a man Nate is.

I'm crossing my fingers that he never did something to someone before and that he will never do what he did to anyone ever again.

"I swear he will pay for leaving us out of nowhere." Molly groaned. "Ugh, my head hurts like hell."

I grabbed my tumbler and handed it to her.

"Oh, thanks! You're the best, Adri." She winked at me as she accepted my tumbler.

I'm guessing she still has a hangover, and she needs water to avoid dehydration. Good thing I always bring water with me.

And for me, my head still kinda hurt, but it's tolerable now.

It's true that I have no idea what happened to Nate and why he is leaving the school, but part of me is thankful that I will never be going to see him again. I don't know how I will going to react if we ever cross paths again.

I heaved a sigh as I crossed down the possible reason why he left. Is he embarrassed for what he did? He should be.

Is he scared of the possible consequences of his actions? He should be.

But I never told my parents about what happened to me.

Only I, knew about it. And, well, the man who saved me last night.

"Hey, did you know? We have a new professor, and he's so hot." Molly giggled as she handed me back my tumbler.

I chuckled as I accepted it. "You didn't finish it?"

She shook her head. "I drank enough, thank you."

I flashed a smile. I'm glad she didn't finish my water.

"Tell me about this new professor." I turned to face her completely. I leaned on my armchair and rested my chin in my hands.

Molly smiled at me teasingly. "Oooh, she's interested."

I'm really not since I'm only here to learn, but I'm trying so hard to focus my attention on something, so I can stop thinking about last night and that horrible thing. The last thing I want to happen is me being traumatized.

"Well, I don't know much, but they said he's so hot. I can't wait to see if they're right." Molly laughed, and I laughed with her.

It's cute because I didn't expect Molly to be like this. I mean, I thought she was going to be mean and aloof or something like that because that's what her physical appearance gives, but she turned out to be so sweet and friendly and easy-going. Even last night when I met her, she was.

She even complimented me, which really boosted my confidence.

The way she does her make-up makes her look like an e-girl, but she's like this ball of bubbles and sunshine. She has two sides, and I love it. Unpredictable and so cute.

The door opened all of a sudden, and the noise inside our classroom died down as a man walked inside and directly went to the whiteboard and started writing.

Everyone also sat up straight, and I did the same.

"Omg, he's the new professor." I heard the girl at my back whisper.

"Yeah, omg, he looks hot as f*ck," the other girl said.

I waited for our new professor to finish writing on the board and face the class, and my mouth gaped upon seeing his face.

Oh my gosh. . .

He's the man from last night!

"Thiago DiLaurentiis," I whispered, reading his name written on the whiteboard.

So, that's his name.

I didn't get to ask his name last night, and of all ways, I found out this way.

"They're right. He's hot," Molly whispered beside me. "But he's not my type. He looks dominant, and I'm more into femboys."

I laughed lowly at what Molly said, although I really didn't understand it because my mind was focused on the fact that the man who saved me and I vented out to last night was here inside my classroom, and it's not just that-- he is my professor!

"Our new professor is Mr. Thiago DiLaurentiis?" I heard the girl behind me whisper again. She sounds so surprised.

"Omg, you know him? Can you help me with him?" The other girl giggled.

"Girl, are you kidding? He's like a famous CEO, and he's a freaking billionaire!"

I sucked on my lower lip.

Is that true?

"I can't believe he's here right now. As far as I know, he's not from this city," I heard the girl add.

"But I hope he's staying long as our professor and not just here for a project or something."

They both giggled.

She hasn't graduated from business school, yet she already knows names in the industry. She's exactly the type of daughter my father wants. She could make some connections that will be good for their business.

I may have gone to some business parties with my parents, but I didn't really get to interact with businessmen because I chose to enjoy my life as a student and avoided business stress.

So, if it's really true that he is a CEO, it's a shame that I have no idea who he is and that I got to meet him and talk to him, and he witnessed one of the dark events in my life.

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