Chapter 3: Knight in Shining Abs

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Adriana's POV

My heart hammered in my chest when I realized how close Nate was to me right now. It's almost like I can feel his body at my back. It's like he's back-hugging me already, and it makes me nervous for some reason.

"Hey, I—" I chuckled nervously as I tried to move away from him, but his hands were chained in my arms, and I couldn't break free.

"Do you want to dance?" he asked in my ears.

He's so close to me right now that I can feel his hot breath on my skin, and it is somehow scaring me already.

"Sorry, uh- I don't d-dance."

"Come on," Nate whispered.

I flinched when I felt him lick my neck.

"What are you doing?!" I exclaimed and tried to move away from him, but he wouldn't let me go, and he was just powerful compared to me.

"C'mon Adriana, stop pretending you're a saint." I heard him laugh, which made me crease my forehead in confusion.

"What are you talking about?"

"You act so innocent, but you literally accepted my invite to the party," he replied.

"Isn't this party for everyone?"

"This party is for people who don't act like they're innocent, and they play with each other."

Suddenly, it's like the Nate I know from yesterday and earlier changed. Or maybe this is really who he is, and I'm so dumb to be fooled by his pretentious act.

"Let me go," I cried out and roamed my eyes, hoping to see someone who could help me, but I noticed that everyone had their own lives and doing their business. We are also in the corner, and it's kinda dark here. Sh*t. Why didn't I notice this earlier?

"Please let me go," I cried out once more and tried to move away from him, but he only tightened his arms around me so that I was not able to make any movement anymore.

"No," he firmly responds.

My phone is in my bag, and I couldn't get it to call John. I know they will come rushing to save me if they know what's happening right now.

I repeatedly cursed inside my mind when I realized that even if I screamed here at the top of my lungs, no one would hear me because the electronic dance music was so loud, and everyone seemed drunk. No one would notice me and come to help me.

Tears started streaming down my face when I felt Nate kissing my neck. Why am I so dumb? If only I had been more cautious, I wouldn't be in this situation. I am so stupid to let him fool me. When will I learn? I should know his kind. Guys in college are not genuine and are like this, and I should know better.

"P-please l-let me go." I have never felt this helpless before.

I know I sometimes complain about my boring life, but now, I'll choose that life over everything. It's like Nate can't hear me-- or he chose not to listen to my whimpers. It's like he turned into a wholly brainless and hungry animal that will bring harm to anyone, and he won't give a single care no matter what.

"P-please," I begged.

I feel so disgusted by his kisses. It's disgusting.

I flinched when all of a sudden, another guy grabbed my arm.

"No, No! P-please!" I cried out when I saw another guy grab my arm.

"Let me go!" I begged.

"Let her go."

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