Chapter 2.5: Demon Roommate

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On the walk back home, Chara had made sure she was invisible again whenever anyone walked by, but every now and then, she would stop and ask me a question about something that wasn't around when she was on the surface.

When we arrived back at my house, she  made herself visible again. "So, what now?" Chara asks, looking around my living room. "Make yourself at home, and let me know if you need anything so I can make a list to pick it up when I go shopping next." I tell her, sitting on the couch and turning on the TV. She nods and walks off to explore the house.

After a little while of scrolling through channels, I threw on a movie and sat back to watch it before being interrupted by Chara suddenly appearing in front of me. "Do you have more chocolate?" She asks, moving slightly so I can see the TV.

"Check the cabinets. I think there might be some left." I respond, shaking my head slightly. I've determined that she's pretty much addicted to chocolate.

I went back to watching the movie as Chara disappeared once more, and after hearing stuff shift around in the kitchen and a faint "Ahhah!", I assume she found whatever remained of the chocolate. She comes back into the room and situates herself next to me on the couch as she munches on the chocolate happily.


I jolt awake to the sound of a giggle beside my ear and look around panicked. I was in the Underground again, in the same cave as my other dreams. Why was I here? Chara left, she isn't alone anymore.

Maybe it's because I fell asleep next to her? Some residual magic, maybe? Or maybe I've lost my mind, and it truly is nothing but a dream.

I get up off the ground and look around. There were no more flowers, and the floors and walls were covered in layers of dust. If I had to guess, this place was untouched for years. Well, it was a dream, so really, that's just how it appeared.

"If only that were true..." I hear a voice say behind me. I whipped my head around and looked to see who was talking, as I didn't recognize the voice.

But no one came.


I woke up for real this time and looked around. Chara wasn't next to me anymore, and it was now morning.

I got up and stretched. I thought briefly about the dream, but it must have been some sort of nightmare. It left me a bit unsettled still. Who was that voice? Why was the ground covered in dust? So many questions floated through my head, but I was interrupted by a light tap on my shoulder.

I turned around, expecting to see Chara, but instead, I saw no one. I felt another tap on my shoulder and turned around to see no one once more.

I kept being tapped on the shoulder and turning in circles until I got dizzy and fell down from turning around so fast. I was confused and still slightly groggy and now dizzy, but I recognized the girlish giggle. I looked up from the floor and saw Chara standing in front of me, finally visible. "Greetings, sleeping beauty." She says, smirking at me.

Chara holds out a hand to help me up, and I take it. She pulls me to my feet. "I couldn't resist messing with you." She says, giggling a bit. "Dont worry, I'll get you back, one day." I reply, walking towards the kitchen to make us both something to eat for breakfest.

I start to get out some ingredients from the fridge, deciding to make eggs and bacon for breakfast. Chara hops, or more accurately floats, up and takes a seat on the counter, watching me as I start to cook.

"So do you actually need to eat? Or do you just choose to?" I ask curiously as I pause to look up at Chara. "I don't need to eat, but I do eat foods I enjoy." She responds simply. I nod and turn back to cooking, putting a few pieces of bacon on the frying pan.

As they sizzle, a few bits of grease spit up from the pan, and one hits Chara in her hand, which was resting on the counter next to the stove. She makes a pained squeak and quickly gets off the counter. "Are you alright?" I ask, a bit concerned.

"Yeah, I wasn't paying much attention and didn't realize it was spitting." She replies, checking her hand. "How did it even hit you? Shouldn't it have just phased through you or something?" I ask, curious once more.

"I can make myself normal, like right now." She says as she turns slightly transparent. "Or I can make myself a ghost, like when you first met me." She explains as she stops being transparent.

After a few minutes of idle chatter, the food finishes cooking, and we eat, talking about plans for the day, to which there were none.

(Heyo, sorry for the short chapter, but I kind of ran out of things to write here, so I'm gonna leave this one marked down as a .5 chapter. I (hopefully) won't make many of these, but for the future, sub 1000 word chapters will be marked as .5. This is mostly for me because i definitely plan to rewrite/edit this book when it's done to be better and have more words.)

Golden Flowers (Female Chara X Male Reader) [Being Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now