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I leaned back in my chair, tapping my foot on the floor, tilting my head, shifting. The only thing on my mind was her. Ways on how to annoy her even more. I knew she hated me. I was prepared for this, though. I knew me leaving would leave a big dent in here and I had no choice but to act as if it didn't affect me either.

I didn't want to leave her. I didn't have a choice. My dad came, ordered me to leave, threatening everything I Loved to be taken if I don't go with him. I was young and I wanted nothing more for my loved ones to be safe. Like my mother, for example. I loved her dearly. I wanted her to live.

And Stelly. I liked her a lot. Was it love? I fucking think so. Stelly, on the other hand, had fallen for me on day one. The doe eyes she was blessed with held hearts in them when she looked at me. Her smile was pure, everything she did gave the signals.

She didn't like her feelings for me, though, so I never made a move or teased her. I kept my feelings to myself, wanting her to figure it out.

When I caught feelings, I wanted to be her boyfriend. I wanted to grow old with that girl. I never told her. Me leaving would leave her heartbroken and depressed. She was already in a hole when I met her and I had helped her out of it. Now, me leaving only made her fall back into an even deeper hole. Dark and quiet. Perfect for her to think.

Her alone with her thoughts isn't a pretty thing, I'll tell you that.

Well, what happened to me when I left her?

My father beat the boy out of me, manning me up. He taught me that if I missed anyone I loved, forget about them. He would beat me anytime he caught me crying, saying it boyish. The reason he took me was to create a better heir for his business. He didn't want any silly little boy working, so he made me a man.

Till this day I still don't understand how beating your own child gets the message through, yet he did it anyways. I didn't expect it to take that long, though. I tried to stop the tears, I tried to stop the missing, I tried to prevent any feelings from showing.

I was doing everything a teenager would be able to do, although that wasn't enough for him. He wanted adult effort. I gave him the "I Want My Woman Back" effort. Not enough.

My father is a greedy man wh0 would do anything in his power to get to his goal.

Every cut, slap, kick, burn, bruise, he gave me, represented that he was an absolute monster. At the same time, he was my father. It was like I had no other choice but to like him. I didn't. I fucking despise that man. Still, he provided me with everything.

I hate him, though I still love him. Is that possible?

He took away my girl, and I was going to get her back one way or the other.
"Stelly, 'Ol, stelly!" I dropped my bag on the seat next to hers. "What, Mr. Parker?" she sighed. "Got any food?" I smirked. "Still a fatass?" She chuckled. "Last time I remebered you were working out with a donut in your-" before I could get the rest of my words out, she shoved a sandwich in my mouth.

"You do have food!" I smiled. "We don't talk about that!" she whispered-yelled while I gulped down on the sandwich. "As long as you feed me." She rolled her eyes. "You could starve to death for all I care." I laughed. "Oh, oh, oh, and that one time when we were having a race, you were still eating your-" she put grapes in my mouth. "Shhhhh!!" She scowled.

I saluted.

"You are so weird." Stelly faked a shiver.

Soon, the professor started the lecture. Looking over at Stelly, she seemed focused and making notes. I was the only one without anything to note on.

I'll still graduate.

I yawned, placing my head in my arms and slowly fell to a slumber.

"Malcolm! Wake the hell up!" I looked up with a confused look on my face, seeing the professor staring at me with stern eyes. "I woke him up, professor." Stelly smiled at the old man.

"Malcolm, would you care to explain what we just went over?" I turned my head the other way, yawning. "Something about how the body regernates cells and we shed 30,000 - 50,000 every minute."

"How does the body regenerate cells?"

"Cell division. When a cell is broken or like yeah, it multiples so then that cell is now two cells. Those cells get damaged, it multiples by two. It's now four cells and so on." The professor clicked his tongue.

"Very well." He cleared his throat. I hummed in a response.

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