excuse me, sorry.

Start from the beginning

"Okay, that's not normal." Brady says in a more serious tone.

He walks over to us.

"Are you high?" He questions.

"Nooo I don't do that stuff" I look at Brady.

"Okay..I don't really know what she's on right now dude." He looks Walker in the eyes.

"Should we just wait? Or do I take her back to the hotel?" He asks.

"I wanna stay" I look up at him, his eyes look down into mine.

I feel my cheeks get pink. His eyebrows raise only enough for me to notice.

"Sorry y/n...I think Walker should take you home." Brady says. He's like a big brother to me.

I turn to him. "Come Bradyyy don't be lame." I manage to get together.

"Y/n. You need to be either drunk on your own accord or thinking straight to have a good time. You're on something and you're going home with Walker." He says.

Walkers hands start to move on my back. I look over at him.

"Plus, you'd be doing Walker a favor. Walker doesn't like parties, remember? Maybe you could help him out by going home." Brady tells me.

Oh...if Walker doesn't want to be here I guess we can leave. I only met him today but he's nice...and he's cute too.

"Oh...okay." He gives me a little smile then looks at Brady. I slump my head down into his chest.

"Jeez y/n, have you had anything to eat or drink?" He asks.

"Ummm just the bottle you gave mee" I say.

"Oh shit I wonder if it was that group of guys who came in." Brady says to Walker.

Momona comes out to the hallway. "Brady a-oh jeez, y/n are you okay?!" She comes over to me.

"She's okay." Walker responds. "We think someone put something in her drink." He explains.

"Oh gosh. Do you wanna go home? I could walk you back?" She offers.

"I'm taking her back in a second." Walker tells her.

"Okay, I'm gonna let the rest of the group know to check their drinks." Momona walks back in.

Waller shifts me so just his arm is around me holding me up.

"Okay. Y/n I'm actually gonna kick ass if I see them, okay?" Brady tells me.

"Thanks dude." He gives Walker and I a nod.

We begin to walk down the way we came.

Iain swings out the door. "I saw the guys who did it. Come on Brady." He stops and looks at me. 

"I don't know you super well y/n, but Raegan loves you and you're nice. So we're gonna go kick ass. Take care." Brady nods with raised eyebrows and they speed walk in other way.

"He's juussttt like Sheldon" I tell Walker, who's helping me upstairs.

He laughs.

As we make our way through a bunch of kids a random boy-who is absolutely wasted stops us.

"Is she good bruh? Why you gotta help her walk did-"

"She's fine. We're leaving." Walker cuts him off and pushes past the other people.

We hit the sidewalk after a minute. I take a deep breath of clean crisp air in. 

Walker lets out a puff of air.

"Nice, right?" He asks.

We walk in silence for a minute, then a bright flash makes me shield my eyes.

Walker pushes me to the other side of his body to get my face away from the on coming flashes. He wraps his other arm around me so we can continue our walk back.

I look over to see his face. The eyeliner has smudged and his eyes are angry. 

He looks over at me and his eyes soften.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Never betterr" I respond.

More lights.

Cameras take photos of Walker and I walking together. My lipgloss shines no brighter than my eyes.

He holds my body up with his arm and presses the rest of his body up against mine.

When we're a few seconds away from the hotel he rolls his eyes in an annoyed manor.

He turns and flips off the paparazzi. I grin so hard it hurts to stop.

Loosen up! (A Walker Scobell x reader)Where stories live. Discover now