15| Investigation Report

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In the German Headquarters, Wilhelm walked into the entrance hall. A crystal chandelier shone down on the soldiers who paced across the marble floor; the decorations and the silver badges on their uniforms glinted in the light. Among them, he spotted a Wehrmacht officer in mid-forties, Major Gustav Clausen. He stood in a semicircle with Oskar and the other officers. A little while later, the officers exchanged salutes, leaving behind Oskar and him near the aesthetic round pillar. Wilhelm saluted the Major as he saw him approaching.

"Hitler has opened the Eastern front to invade Russia, whereas Britain is still our threat in the West. What do you think about the two-front war, Lieutenant?" Major Gustav asked Wilhelm.

"A catastrophe."

"So you disagree with the decision he made?"

"He should learn from history. Germany suffered from the defeat in 1918 because the German leaders failed to avoid a two-front war. Those who fail to learn from their past mistakes are doomed to repeat them."

The expression in his blue eyes was astonished. He didn't expect to hear such a forthright response from a young man with a low military rank. At the same time, Oskar frowned in disapproval. He held his tongue to argue with Wilhelm even though he really wanted it. So he let his superior do so.

"You're bold enough to criticize him."

"If Germany loses the war, then it will bring out the worst in us."

"In that case, we mustn't lose under any circumstances," Major Gustav stared at him, his eyes hard and cold.

Wilhelm said nothing.

After a brief silence, he walked away with Oskar following him behind.

Wilhelm strode to the stairs and ascended quickly. He opened the door to the office of the lieutenant. When he headed for his desk, his eyes coincidentally flitted to a document on Oskar's desk; the title that was typed in capital had captured his attention. He took it and began to read it carefully.


This morning, at 8:03 AM on the fourth of September 1941, André Platini was a member of the resistance, who had attacked a Wehrmacht soldier at the checkpoint. He was shot dead when he was on the run. A supply of firearms, bullets and dynamites were found beneath the hoard of sand and bricks in his truck. Based on the investigation, the vehicle registration plate indicated the possession of Clément Chabernaud. He was suspected of conspiring with the perpetrator.

He turned to the next page. He read the information details that showed the suspect's address. "Clément Chabernaud," he muttered as he recalled the window shooting of the French house by Oskar's man several months ago.

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