chapter twelve

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"Leon, I cannot permit you to invade his personal space," she declares, frustration evident in her voice as she looks at him.

"He is my own flesh and blood, Julie - and your former partner," he responds, causing Julie to release a tired sigh and agree. "Just promise me that you won't pry too deeply, please?" she pleads.

"Robin - he was always a suspicious person, Leon. He would come home drunk almost every week, and sometimes it seemed like he was under the influence of something else entirely," Julie confesses, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she looks at him with a serious expression.

"I ended things with him just a few days before... before his life was tragically ended. I couldn't save him, Leon," she admits, her voice trailing off as if on the verge of tears. Leon could sense that Julie had gone through a difficult experience with his brother long before their breakup, and it became clear that there was more to this story than he had initially assumed.

The fact that his brother had been heavily intoxicated was completely unlike him, but Leon couldn't deny his own negligence in not reaching out to him during that time.

Leon, in a rush, continues his search through the drawers and closets, only to find Julie's personal belongings, such as her underwear and formal attire. Growing more hopeless by the minute, he approaches the nightstands beside the bed.

In a moment of frustration, he accidentally knocks over a vase, causing it to shatter. "Oh, fuck," he mutters under his breath. However, his attention quickly shifts to the small plastic bags scattered amidst the broken pieces. He kneels down, searching his pockets for gloves.

As he puts them on, he notices that they are a bit tight on his veiny hands. "These gloves are so fucking tight," he sighs. He carefully picks up one of the plastic bags, revealing its contents - a white powder.

It is unmistakably cocaine, even a blind person could tell just by touching it. A wave of anxiety washes over him as he whispers to himself, "Damn you, Robin... what have you been up to?" His chest tightens with worry. Has his brother really sunk this low?

''Leon, did you find any-'' Leon turned around to face Julie, interrupting her sentence. "Did you know?" he asked, his voice filled with concern. Julie shook her head, indicating that she had no idea about the mess in her bedroom. Her heart sank as she admitted,

"I didn't know... I noticed a few signs, but I was too afraid to ask." Leon stood up and walked towards her, his posture straight and determined. "Julie, what other suspicious things has he done?" Leon inquired, catching Julie off guard. Without hesitation, she replied, "He stopped going to work and constantly asked for money. I've never seen him so desperate before. He used to be such a kind person, never aggressive, even when he was under the influence. But he started stealing money from me and anyone he could think of. His behavior became erratic, completely unlike himself."

Julie looked at Leon with sadness, knowing that hearing these things about his little brother must be heartbreaking.

"Why didn't you call me, Julie?" Leon asked, his expression blank but his voice filled with sadness. "I didn't want you to worry or get involved in what I thought was just a problem between me and Robin. But clearly, it was more than that. I realize that now," Julie apologized. "I need to find out where all of this came from. I'll try to go through his phone,"

Leon declared, determined to uncover the truth.

Leon confesses, his gaze fixed on Julie, the redhead who now looks at him with a sorrowful expression, "I apologize as well for not visiting you after his demise."

"Leon, it's alright," she responds, "I was already upset with Robin, and your presence wouldn't have made a difference. Discovering that he was at a club with another girl made me feel easily replaceable... I couldn't move on from his passing either." Her words resonate with Leon, and he nods in empathy.

Leon cautiously surveyed his surroundings before stealthily entering the evidence room, his heart pounding with anticipation

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Leon cautiously surveyed his surroundings before stealthily entering the evidence room, his heart pounding with anticipation. He was on a mission to find his brother's name, Robin Kennedy. As he whispered the name to himself, he scanned the room, his eyes darting from one corner to another. It didn't take long for him to locate the box containing his brother's belongings. With utmost care, he began sifting through the items until he stumbled upon his phone.

A wave of conflicting emotions washed over Leon. Stealing evidence was undoubtedly illegal, but considering the case had been closed, would it truly be such a grave offense?

"To hell with it," he muttered under his breath. After all, he wasn't even supposed to be here. He had willingly accepted a job at the prison instead of the office. So why was he risking everything for this?

Just as Leon was lost in his thoughts, the door to the evidence room swung open, revealing Luis, his old friend. Startled, Leon accidentally dropped the box, catching Luis's attention.

"Leon?" Luis called out, swiftly shutting the door behind him.

"Luis" Leon responded, trying to maintain a nonchalant demeanor. Luis hurried over, concern etched on his face.

"You're not supposed to be here. If you get caught, man..." he trailed off, his voice filled with worry.

"I know, I know," Leon replied, his voice tinged with urgency. "But I need to uncover the truth about what happened to Robin. Maybe it'll bring me some closure''

and perhaps she won't be the culprit like I've believed all along, he thinks to himself.

Luis crossed his arms, studying his friend intently. "Is that really why? Everyone's been talking about your interactions with (y/n) (l/n). She's a prisoner, Leon," he stated, his tone laced with skepticism.

"Tell me the real reason behind all this."

Leon stood there, locking eyes with his friend. Luis was right. She was a prisoner, a prisoner because of his own actions. He had manipulated a witness, gone to extreme lengths to imprison her.

The guilt gnawed at him, especially now that he found himself falling deeper into a hole he couldn't escape.

Thoughts of her consumed him - the way her eyes lit up at the sight of him, the sadness they held whenever he inadvertently hurt her.

Her disheveled hair, yet always managing to look flawless. Her sweet demeanor, coupled with her fiery spirit.

He is completely absorbed in it, absorbed in her. He longs for her, for her touch, her melodious voice, her elegant figure, and her essence. He wants everything, but admitting his desires is intimidating, even for him.

However, he knows that one day he must.

"I would do anything for her, I can no longer hide it. She drives me crazy, Luis. She is captivating, and I can't understand why she, out of all people, would be the one to end my brother's life."

For the first time, he acknowledges it.

"She has such a gentle soul, I can't imagine her capable of committing such a terrible act."

As Leon speaks, Luis is completely surprised by the unexpected direction the conversation has taken.

Leon is completely infatuated with a girl he once despised with every ounce of his being....

''Then consider this an apology for the past, i'll help you'' Luis says.

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