Chapter eleven

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(I need to stop working and sleeping so much and leaving you all with nothing 😭)

"I need to dig deeper into my brother's case, something doesn't add up," Leon declares, causing Officer Branagh to swivel around in his chair.

''But didn't we agree to let it go?" he inquires, genuinely curious as to why Leon suddenly wants to resurrect a case that had already been buried in the dust.

"I specifically removed you from that case for a reason, Kennedy," he continues, his tone laced with concern. "It's too personal for you. You might end up making irrational decisions just to find someone to blame, besides we've already caught the person responsible." Officer Branagh raises an eyebrow, observing Leon's irritated expression.

It's clear that patience is not his strong suit. "Or... is it because I've allowed you to spend too much time around a certain inmate?" he chuckles, before adopting a serious demeanor once again, noticing how caught off guard Leon has become.

"Any kind of relationship between an officer and an inmate is against the law, and we don't take such matters lightly," he warns, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

''I know, i would never engage in anything like that.'' Leon said, obviously he's already broken that one rule. His mind wandering back to two days ago, he couldn't lie to himself but he wouldn't dare admit it, that he in fact missed her.

Officer branagh looks at Leon a bit skeptical at first, but then gives him a nod. ''Alright, you know where the file is.. i'll give you three days, if you haven't found anything by then, let it go - Leon''

 i'll give you three days, if you haven't found anything by then, let it go - Leon''

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Alicia gasps, taken aback by (y/n)'s distressing encounter. "I believe Claire might be seeing more of me than her own family at this point," (y/n) admits, and Alicia chuckles in agreement.

"And what about Mr. Kennedy? Are you still enjoying his company?" Alicia playfully teases. It's not unusual for Alicia to engage in gossip; she used to hear about it every day. However, now that (y/n) is incarcerated, Alicia hasn't heard a thing, and their visitation days are becoming shorter and shorter.

"He's..." (y/n) begins, but the last time they were together, she made it clear that she desired him. He was perplexing and sometimes unbearable, but extremely addictive. "Well?" Alicia eagerly prompts, waiting for (y/n) to finish her sentence.

"He's... just the same as always," she remarks, careful not to divulge any details that might expose their secret activities. She is well aware that it is against the law for him to engage in any sexual relations with an inmate, and that boundary has already been crossed.

As the door swings open, (y/n) glances up to find Leon entering the room. His face may be devoid of emotion, but she can see right through him. His heart is racing, evident in the way he looks at her.
"Visiting hours are over," he states coldly, his voice resonating with a deep, almost growling tone. Alicia gazes at him, her eyes scanning him from head to toe, before giving a nod of approval towards (y/n).

"I'll see you again someday, Ali," (y/n) utters, a smile gracing Alicia's face as she leans in to softly kiss her forehead. "Come back home soon."

''No, but I refuse to go around being fooled

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''No, but I refuse to go around being fooled." he knows damn well he's only getting fooled by himself. Having just told her he'd look into the case one last time, gave her hope. But he gave himself a bit of hope too. ''Ouch," she retorts sarcastically, fed up with his attitude.

"You can be so insufferable sometimes. I can't decide if I want to have sex with you or get violent." She speaks bluntly, tired of playing games. Leon's eyes widen, but he quickly conceals any emotions he might be experiencing right now.

"That was a-" she interrupts him, "a mistake? You say that about everything." She moves closer to him, knowing she would be in handcuffs if Leon didn't always allow her to have her hands free.

While speaking, she nudges him on the shoulder and asks, "Who do you honestly think you are?" With a hint of anguish in her voice, she continues, "You can't play with my feelings and treat it as a joke, Leon!" As she looks up at him, her pain becomes apparent, and he continues to gaze at her, never tiring of her captivating eyes.

"Just this once, put your ego aside! Stop being such a dick and be honest for a change." He remains silent, his mind racing with thoughts. How could he find the right words to express himself? The pain he feels is overwhelming, especially knowing that he is causing her pain too.

In the depths of his mind, frustration builds up, and he can't help but think, "What the fuck is wrong with you?" He tries to find solace in her eyes, but all he sees is a mix of anger and sadness. Her lips, slightly pouted, reveal just how deeply his conflicting actions have affected her.

With a gentle touch, he places his hand on her cheek, his fingers caressing her soft skin. Taking a step closer, he gazes down at her, ready to utter her name and pour out his emotions.

But before he can speak, his moment is abruptly interrupted. Officer Branagh appears, breaking the silence.

"Leon, put her back in her cell and then meet me in my office," he commands, shattering the fragile connection between them. Staring at the girl who's left with no handcuffs before giving Leon a suspicious look.

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