Chapter 22

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The pain that rippled across my stomach and down between my legs, had me stopping outside the main hall. The column that highlighted the steps inside was a welcome sight and leaning against the cool side of the stone, I managed to take three deep breaths. Since when did it get this hot here?

"We have to talk about what we are going to do if he decides to join us ahead of schedule." Cain practically whispered, blocking my view of the doors as he stood in front of me.

"It's not going to happen."

"Elle, you can't know that."

"My body. My rules." I mumbled, refusing to acknowledge that maybe, on some level what he said made sense and this was a chat we needed to have. "We have some sense of a plan. There is nothing to say."

We should get inside, it had to be cooler in there. Instead, I thought of Medusa, the dark, damp coldness of her labyrinth of caves and the tiny little urge that I should go back, now, planted itself in the back of my mind.

"What did you think I'd come for?"


I didn't need refuge. I needed to find Uranus and wrap him in a pretty golden bow to send to Tartarus.

"I'm not giving birth underground in a cave or by some creepy dead tree in an alternate realm." I snap, glaring at Cain.

"That's not what I said, or even what I'm thinking." He cautiously defended, his hand pausing as he reached out to touch mine. "What do you need? Right now."

I followed his gaze, surprised to find a stub of my fingernail bleeding as I made my mark on the stone. The pain in my stomach eased, and instantly changed positions as my hand cramped.

"Ow," I shook it off, welcoming back the feeling as pins and needles filled my fingers. "I just need a minute."

In seconds we were in our room, the bathroom tap on as he washed my hand. "How many years would it take for you to talk to me again if I locked you away in the Underworld?"

"All of them."

"Good thing I'm a patient man." The towel was soft and as he dried away the water, all I wanted to do now was curl up on it and take a nap. "I'm serious, Elle. It's just us here. I need to know what's happening, to plan our next steps. I can't believe you're fine, and that it's nothing."

"I think I'm going into labour." The words came out faster than I thought possible.

Cain held his breath, slowly nodding as he took a second to fold the towel and sit on the bench beside us. Did he have a plan for that?


"Okay." I agreed, before turning to throw up in the sink, right as the uncomfortable ache took it up a level - again. "Or it could just be more practice runs for what's next."

I paused, wiping my mouth as he closed his eyes, noticing his whole mood shifting as he stood there. Tension flooded every inch of Cain's body as he muttered something under his breath and there was murder in his eyes as he looked my way again.

"Hermes is trying to find us, Apollo, too." He groaned. "Fuck."

"We knew they would after what happened with Art. Just, like, um I can. You know what, I'm fine." I'd been in a lot worse positions than this, and I was mentally stronger than any pain I had to endure in the past despite feeling completely incapable of handling what was coming.

"What?" Great, now some of that frustration was directed my way.

"You heard me. It's over. Just that whole, Pterodactyl labour thing Doctor Katie talked about. I'm a little tired, that's all. Let's go. Maybe we can fit some dinner in?" As soon as I moved, he blocked my way.

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