Chapter 17

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A/N - If you missed the announcement, please go back to Chapter 16 first. I realised only half the chapter was originally posted! Sorry x


Gaia had left minutes, hours - some time ago and returning back to reality after the ceremony wasn't appealing. The cabin we'd hidden away at months ago was a welcome alternative for now but the marks on our wrists were barely starting to fade, much like the flush on my cheeks when Cain finally put some space between us.

"Hades is looking for us," Cain mumbled, rolling his neck before looking back over at me.

Consummation wasn't part of the bonding arrangement but clearly whoever came up with this whole deal managed to forget to add it on so we'd changed those plans. I reached out to touch the red stripes on his shoulder, my own personal mark and he kissed my fingers before shifting around to face me.

"These should fade within an hour." His touch on the golden marking around my wrist tingled.

"He won't give us that long."

"No." Cain agreed a slither of guilt in his tone.

"You want to tell him." We'd agreed after we arrived here that we wouldn't tell anyone just yet; possibly not until this was over.

"Out of all of them, he'll work it out first. We've been open with him so far, it doesn't hurt to keep him feeling included. He is our most powerful ally here." Good point. "And, if Mixcoatl is still around, I think he will use it against us. He is old, tired and well aware of what it means. Just because he is most like us, doesn't mean he is going to act in our best interests. Just as we have Circe on Memir, we could use Hades against Mixcoatl."

Always thinking ahead.

"Fine." I agree, finding it awkward to get comfortable as Blueberry decides to do a late-night aerobics class and with every inch of my skin being crazy sensitive, I ignore the snort of amusement from Cain as I use my beloved body pillow to find some way to lay comfortably. "I need a nap and food. Then I'll see Hades."

"As you wish, my love." I feel his kiss on my forehead as my eyes close.

Hades' arrival should have been what woke me, and I'm not sure what does but stepping outside into the cool night he is already sitting by Cain in the sand, a small fire in front of them. Hades laugh, the sound dying as both turn my way and I walk over towards them.

"Kara is in meltdown mode, unable to find either of you." Hades greets.

"Hungry?" Cain offers a small plate of fruits, bread, cheese and meats.

More is set out in the space in front of them, an open bottle of whisky evidence of what they have been up to. I carefully get down beside him, enjoying the weight of his arm over my shoulders as he tucks me against his side. I take the food, well aware of the look Hades is serving us with.

"What have you two done?" He asks almost instantly, carefully inspecting us like we're a bomb about to detonate. "Now you're actually together, I can't pick it but something feels different. The ring, you did the proposal?"

He motions to my finger, and I nod. "He did."

"That's not it though." Hades frowns before I can practically see the lightbulb go off in his head. "You two didn't."

"We did," Cain confirms and a second later, Hades has grabbed his arm to inspect his wrist where the faintest mark now remains.

"Oh." Hades sat back, looking completely shocked.

"Not the reaction I was expecting," I admitted.

"Give it time." We all froze as Poseidon stood behind the fire; water dripped off him as if he just stepped out of the water which, obviously he did. "A smart move."

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