Chapter 21

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Medusa welcomed me with open arms, literally. Her embrace was cold, yet it filled me with the kind of warmth that I didn't think I'd ever find here. Her caverns were dimly lit, the shadows alive with the feeling of being under inspection never easing as I let her go. Around us treasures that had once only existed within imaginations and storybooks from eras otherwise forgotten sparkled with a life of their own, all begging for attention - just a look, a touch.

They weren't the reason we were here.

"Precious creature." She whispered, instantly glaring at Cain who lingered just behind me. "Come."

We follow her through the labyrinth of caverns, well aware of the rustling and groaning as we pass the endless black hole that hid her sisters. Unlike our last visits, this all felt different as the magics that kept them hidden and protected were forced to bend for us as I refused to be a part of even more games.

This time we wouldn't be left at their mercy.

As we passed the first ward, then the second, the only supernatural presence to touch me was Cain as his powers combined with mine to create a defence that would not be broken. I felt as though I'd been here a million times and as if it was only my first time too. Like many aspects of my life, I had a strange sense of stepping onto a new path, entering a new reality where this was the new normal; together, nothing would stop us. I clunge to the thought with more hope than I thought I was capable of.

It also became clear to me that the forces around held a similiar presence to Circe, and studying Medusa with new eyes I always knew she was powerful only how so?

She had her own abilities, yet the familiarity with Circe's magic was too much of a coincidence. The wards parted for us, allowed to remain intact and the difference in borrowed and created power became clearer. To remain undisturbed and hidden, where not even the Fates dared to come for all this tim e was impressive. Now I wasn't being held hostage by it, I instead found a deeper appreciation. Who had guided her this way, or been willing to help them set up this sanctuary?

"I've often wondered the same thing," Cain whispered in my ear.

I looked back at him. "Wondered what?"

"I can feel you, you're everywhere and you haven't learnt to hide your thoughts yet." He winked, keeping his own expression completely neutral which made me wonder what I looked like right now.

I glare at him. "What are my thoughts now?"

"You hate that I'm right." We slowed slightly. "From what I can tell, Hecate would make the most sense, but I'm not convinced she has had as much to do with all of this as you may initially think."

"Not Gaia." There wasn't a trace of her here, and Cain nodded.

"It does not matter," Medusa scolded. "You two whisper back there like old women in the market."

"You could just tell us?" I ask a little hopefully.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because you're above all the games everyone always seems to play?"

Medusa laughed. "The games, yes. Though secrets do not always need to be told."

"Like how you really got the Wheel of Fortune and golden armour?"

This time she stopped walking, looking back to face us with caution in her eyes. The air changed and from the pit, the distinct sound of claws scratching against rock echoed up towards us. I felt the pressure of the magic against my own power only this time it was not so easily extinguished and contained. Medusa didn't save her death glares for only Cain now.

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