Glorious Purpose

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          I had recognized Stark's guest of honor but I could not place him. At least not immediately. Once it was confirmed that he was the man I had seen in the gymnasium with the soldier the other day, I could once more understand why the tensions were high. That meeting had been meant to be a secret one, and Stark's knowledge of all of the goings on had greatly unnerved Rogers. A happy accident if you were to ask me.

    Tensions were high, higher than I knew Eibhlin enjoyed. She had grown up in this sort of chaos, both on Asgard and before she had come. She had never done well around raised voices, a perpetual peacekeeper as Mother would say and it had always shown in the way she carried herself and handled situations of conflict. Even when we had our arguments, she would never yell; she never needed to, she knew exactly how to focus her anger without having to scream. It was one of the things I loved most about her and it was why I knew this life would have long killed me if I did not have her to ground me.

    I slid her hand into mine, my thumb slowly running over hers. Even Thor seemed aware of the way Eibhlin shivered despite the heat in the room, forever as in tune with her as I was. Though I would never say it aloud, it was one thing that made him an outstanding elder brother. She cleared her throat softly, rising from her seat. I tried to pull her back down but she shook me away, saying she was just going to check on a few things and would not be gone long. Barton and Wanda glanced toward me as Eibhlin turned away from the table and I nodded at both of them, busying myself with helping Wanda to serve the food as Eibhlin agreed with our doing while Barton went to check on her. If she would not allow me to comfort her, I knew Barton was the next best option to Stark, Thor, or Wanda.

    When they returned, I helped her into her chair; a not-so-hidden excuse to try to read into her mind, one she immediately saw through and stopped me from doing. I had to give it to her, she truly was far stronger than I knew. Still, I couldn't help but pull her chair closer to me, a small grin of glee overtaking me as Thor glowered.

    "Now, I know most of the people at this table either from reports I've seen or personal interactions, but I've never seen this beautiful lady before," the new man said as he offered his hand to her.

    I watched him carefully, my hand snaking behind Eibhlin to rest against the small of her back. While I doubted this man would think of bringing harm to her in front of all of us, I still struggled with the thought of other people touching her, even in kindness. Eibhlin had been through enough, both before and since coming to Asgard, and all by the hands of men, including my own. She didn't need me to protect her anymore if she ever had to begin with, but I would be damned if I'd let her be touched by someone she didn't want to be by ever again. Besides, she was a Lady of Asgard, an adopted daughter of Odin; he should have been bowing to her, not trying to touch her.

    Eibhlin seemed unphased, however, and Sam seemed to be a decent fellow; releasing her hand as quickly as he had taken it. I couldn't help but cock an eyebrow however when he mentioned getting her a list of some kind. I'd have to ask about this list and all it entailed later when Stark and Rogers were no longer bickering like children.

    Despite the amusement of it all, it was bothering Eibhlin tremendously the longer it went on, even with them out of the room. I watched as Agent Romanov shoved Rogers back, forcing him out toward the patio while Pepper gently tucked on Stark's arm, her hand cupping the side of his face to redirect his attention as he repeatedly muttered that he was fine, calm. He didn't seem to be either though.

    The gentle squeeze of my hand pulled me back and I glanced at her, her words of praise for my help with dinner bringing a smile to my face. She was always so thoughtful, so giving; the only one who had ever truly seen me and not because she wanted to use me. I would never understand why she'd chosen me, as lost and overlooked as I had been. As conversation picked up, I tried to engage; tried to continue to show her and everyone else that I was more than a lost bet because of her. She deserved the world and I was determined to give it to her no matter what.

    As Banner returned though, I couldn't help but notice the way she shrunk once more; her shoulders drooping much like her ears, I imagined. Reassuringly, I rose to go and check on Stark. While I knew Eibhlin would have ultimately preferred it if I checked on both Stark and Rogers, despite his pomposity, I wasn't as caring. Not after what he had said.

    I found Stark leaning against a wall, Pepper trying to soothe him. "Pep, I said I'm fine."

    "Except you're not. I know when you're okay and this, this is not okay. This has classic Asshole Tony written all over it, not the new Healthy Tony."

    "I don't know what you're talking about."

    "You don't, huh? Alright, I can play this game too. I bet Eibhlin is happy she spent her entire day cooking all of this food for us just so your ego could overshadow everything."

    "Alright, that's enough out of you."

    "No, really. I'm surprised we got you out of the door with your head as swollen as it is."

    "You know what, Pep," he smiled, grabbing her roughly as she smirked. "You're out of control."

    "Am I?"

    "Mhmm. And I know just the remedy," I watched as Stark kissed Pepper then. It was sweet despite everything.

    Coughing, I tried to respectfully let them know I was nearby. Pepper looked up and over at me first, smiling softly while Stark sighed. "How pissed is she?"

    "She is more concerned than she is angry; just as she always is."

    "Heart of gold on that one."

    "She is unfailingly kind," I sighed, pausing a few feet away watching as Stark continued to hold Pepper close as if she was his lifeline. We truly were rather similar in far too many ways.

    "A trait people never fail to undervalue-"

    "Or extort." Pepper smacked the back of his head then. "Ow, what?"

    "I apologize for Tony's lack of... everything."

    I shook my head, chuckling. "I understand. Eibhlin has had to do the same for me a time or two as well. We are flawed creatures."

    "Speak for yourself, Reindeer Games. I am the embodiment of Mary Poppins."

    "No, no you're not," Pepper sighed. She scrunched her nose the same way Eibhlin did when she tried to stifle a laugh that she knew would only encourage my shenanigans.

    "I do not know what a Mary Poppins is, nor am I interested, and though I enjoy watching the captain knocked down a peg or two at any opportunity as much as the next fellow, I do know that Eibhlin worked quite hard on this dinner. I'd hate to see it ruined."

    "I just... I expect this from Fury or our triple imposter, specifically since for the longest time they only wanted to use me as a consultant given the whole reformed narcissism thing."

    "I think you mean 'work in progress'," Pepper corrected as Stark rolled his eyes.

    "Agreed," he reluctantly admitted after a moment; "regardless, I've worked hard to be a team player, to make this whole super-secret boy band thing work for not only me but everyone else. Though I gotta agree with Reindeer Games, it is fun to be a problem Rogers has to deal with; more so when he's the cause of my grief."

    "You can't hold a grudge forever, Tony; not when it affects everyone else around you as well."

    "She's right, Stark; much as I dislike admitting it."

    "Oh sure, now you choose the path of the Jedi," Stark groaned. He crossed his arms childishly, glancing between the two of us before he sighed. "Fine, but I'm not sharing any of my cookies. Those are for good little Siths only. Bet I could get Evie to join the dark side, she has a thing for bad boys after all."

    "Not a chance; and you are lukewarm at best, Stark."

    "Honey, are you gonna let him talk about me like that?"

    "You're both morally grey, now go and apologize to both Eibhlin and Steve."

Between the LinesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora