She quickly says bye before hanging up. I open back up our messages and quickly text him.

can I come over in 30?

Freckles <3
Si Rella

Whew okay maybe we're good

I quickly hop out of my bed and slip on my favorite pair of oversized sweats, I prance to the bathroom and quickly wash my face and brush my teeth. Would hate to talk with stank breath.

Once I finish, I slap on some moisturizer and lip gloss. I grab my handy spooly to straighten out my lashes. I fluff my now curly hair and grab my glasses and make my way out of the room.

I skip down the steps and find my parents in the living area

"Mama papa im going to Marc's" I tell as i walk to the key bowl.

"Aht Aspetta un attimo, Bean, sono le sette di sera. Torni stasera?" my dad turns around.

(translation: "Aht Wait a minute, Bean, it's seven o'clock in the evening. Are you coming back tonight?")

"Si papa, Vado solo a parlargli." I explain

(Translation: "Yes dad, I'm just going to talk to him.")

my mom quickly pops up from her laid position. "Oh so yall aint beefing anymore?"

I lean up against the door. "I don't know mommy, i'm going to figure that out now"

"Manzo? Cosa ha fatto il mio Bean?" my dad asks with a fake pout on his face.

(Translation: Beef? What did my Bean do?)

"What makes you think it was me papa" i scoff

"You're my child Gabriella, it's always going to be you" He says jokingly

Well excuse me then

"She was having a little fun with one of her classmates while Marc Anthonie was in Italy." my mom explains

"Who was the classmate?" my papa asks with a raised eyebrow.

"It was Knight...." I trail off.

"Chessington?" They ask at the same time.

"Mhmm that's the one" I say with a laugh because i can already see where this is going.

They quickly exchange looks before my dad opens his mouth.

"Isn't he... he's" he says as he is doing the hand floppy thing

"Yes but he's not out yet.... How did yall even know" I say laughing

"Girl a mother always knows, your dad is just nosey" my mom says.

"Well yeah he doesn't like girls but Marc doesn't know and that's not my place to tell," i say with a shrug.

"Very true, but" my mom starts

"Ughh" i grumble because i know she's about eat me up

"You shouldn't have been doing that anyway, heck if i was Marc i would think Knight liked you too, did you not see how that boy was basically dry humping y-" she starts

"Dry humping !?" Riccardo quickly jumps in.

"Its not that serious Ric, we was doing way worse" she says shooing him with her hand.

"Angel, Dry humping ?" he says again astonished.


"Anywayssss i know, i was just a lil tipsy" i say being honest.

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