Old man,village moving and trouble in city

Start from the beginning

Cogliostro: You must let them go. When you died all hope of future with them died with you.

You: No.no.NO! It can't be real!

Cogliostro: Unfortunately... It is. If you keep following this path and you kill your old friend, he will come back as powerful as you

Spawn was just standing there in silence until he spoke again

You: What did you mean...when you said you were like me?

Cogliostro removed his coat revealing same M symbol Spawn had on his chest

You: You really are like me...

Cogliostro: Indeed, but i broke free. You can as well

Spawn said nothing and looked towards where Emi and his daughter were

Cogliostro: You love and care about them don't you?

You: Of course! More than anything.

Cogliostro: Well if you go to them they will be in danger.

You: What do you mean?

Cogliostro: Right now...you're defying hell, that makes you their enemy and since you're a Hell-Spawn you're enemy of heaven too. If you go to them you will endanger them from both sides

Spawn started breathing heavily

Then he took a deep breath trying to calm himself

You: Okay...

Spawn said looking at the ground

Cogliostro nodded his head

Cogliostro: Good.

Then everyone in the village taking their stuff and going

You: Where are they going?

Cogliostro: They are in too much danger because of Fire Nation. They all moving to Ba Sing Se

Spawn thought for a moment

You: Then i'm going there too. Maybe i'll find out what to do there.

*Time skip*

After some power lessons from Cogliostro, Spawn teleported to the city of Ba Sing Se

After some power lessons from Cogliostro, Spawn teleported to the city of Ba Sing Se

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You: So this is Ba Sing Se?

Cogliostro: Beautiful isn't it?

You: I always wondered what it looked like.

Cogliostro: While you're in here i should warn you...Avatar is back and he is in the city

You: Avatar eh? So now he decides to come back.

Cogliostro: It's not exactly his fault

You: Whatever you say old man

*Time Skip*

Hell upon the Avatar (Male Spawn Reader x Avatar The Last Airbender)Where stories live. Discover now