~*~Chapter Thirteen~*~

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With that unpleasantness out of the way, me and Victor moved back the way we came, back into the Bathysphere. We didn't say much on the walk to the dock, it was a somber walk. Victor seemed out of sorts but I'd ask him when we were in private, the hatch sealed and the sub began to move back to the main city.

"So what exactly was the deal you made?" I asked my eyes locking with his.

"What do you mean Alexander?" 

"Don't play stupid with me, love, It's beneath you. What deal did you make?" I repeated more firmly this time.

He gave a burdened sigh and spoke. "In return for making me human until I die, and raising the Department store... every soul that dies in this city will belong to mother from now on."

I was stunned into silence, he made that kind of deal. He'd become human that in itself was shocking, giving up his immortality, even if only temporally...what in Heaven would possess him to make that kind of offer to her?

As if sensing my thoughts he clarified; "I did it for you, draga meu, to spend a life time with you, to grow old with my Angel, that is worth all the power in the world." 

He reached out and stroked my face lovingly, admiration filling those green eyes. I was speechless, I'd barely known him a week and already he was willing to give up his way of life for me? I knew he fell hard...but this hard? Why? 

" Why do you love me so much?" 

"Isn't it obvious?"

"If it was obvious I wouldn't have asked."

"You and I, we were meant to be. We have both walked through hellfire, and found each other side, waiting with open arms to give a warm embraces. You are my other half, my soul mate if you like. With you, I feel safer than I have in my entire life. You are my Lucifer, darling, I thought that was obvious."

" You know, as a kid, I was always told that Angels crave chaos, because of the freedom it offers, and that demons seek peace, because it gives them the order in life they lack. If I am your Lucifer, then that makes you-" 

" My Mother's son, yes." 

I kissed him deeply, my heart swelling with joy and pride. I found someone who was willing to move the world for me, and to keep me on the straight and narrow. He loved me, unconditionally, it was only fair I return the sentiment. We pull apart to breath, and just cuddle in the pod until it docked, letting us know it was back to work. 

" So where do we go from here, Alex?" 

"We fight a bloody war, I guess. Now, lead us into battle, my old Warlord. Show me why they call you the son of the Devil." 

As I said that, I pop open the door to the main city, standing there as bold as brass was my father and several of his 'security', although they were little more than thugs with guns. I gave a loud, stress ladened sigh, and nodded to Victor. We stepped out of the Bathysphere and up to Ryan and his minions. The young Dewitt girl was in the crowd which didn't help the situation, the fact she was my half sister was irrelevant to this.

"So my boy is it done, is Atlas dead?" Ryan asked taking a drag from his cigar.

I looked to Victor unsure of how to proceed, I saw him place his hand on the pistol he had, while I grip the one I'd found and had hidden in my jacket. I quickly begun to count them in my head, there were eight of them, nine if you counted Sullivan, and they were armed to the teeth, but judging by their trigger discipline, or lack of it, they hadn't used a gun in their life. I give a soft exhale, before looking up with a maddening smile. 

" No Ryan he is not dead, you didn't tell us the slum they were living in down there." I growled angrily.

"I am very disappointed in you my boy, I had hoped Atlas wouldn't taint you with his honied words. Sullivan arrest them, but do it quietly."

"You sure you want to do that pa?" I asked beginning to draw my pistol. I point it right at his head, careful not to expose the shotgun I had on my back. Victor pointed the gun he had at Sullivan, while Mine was pointed right at Dad. 

" You don't want to do this, Ryan."

" Or what, you vile scum?! I knew that church polluted you! You are no different!"

"Better a priest than a fucking cult leader." Victor growled out firing his pistol and killing two of the guards before they even knew what was happening. 

"I didn't sign up to be no Splicer bate." yelled one of the grunts running away in fear dropping his gun.

"Bloody coward." Sullivan snapped before turning on us. "Now lads put the guns down we can talk about this like civilized folk."

" How about no, we tried that, and you sent us off to die, you tried to fucking kill me, you rat bastard! Fuck you! No no, we tried to do this in a civilized way, now we do it my way." 

"Hey now I'm just trying to arrest you, you shot first."

"The Splicer in the fucking station, Sullivan I know that was you!" Victor snapped. "I heard the whole fucking conversation between you and Mr. Cult Leader! If you are going to die, at least die with your dignity intact and don't lie on your last few breaths." 

"Fuck you, then. Kill 'em boys!" Sullivan orders and a full blow fire fight breaks out.

It wasn't long before Sullivan was the only one left, as for me and Victor, we were relatively unharmed thanks to Victor's use of the Plasmids he'd picked up, they didn't stand a chance, I worried that these Plasmids would come with side effects but I bit it down for now, the Department store would be rising any moment now and a full scale war would begin.

"Why..." Sullivan coughed, blood coming with his words. "Why side with that Irish Pleb?" 

"You'll never know but at least you die a Warrior's death which is more than I can say for Mr. Ryan." Victor replied coldly before finishing him off with a well placed bullet.

" Now, we need to find Ryan, wherever the coward vanished off to." 

"Probably ran to his tower with your half-sister, what is your plan for dealing with her?"

"I don't know yet, but either way you are right, let's go."

As we run to the office, the chime of midnight hits, and horror fills me as all hell breaks loose. This wasn't war, this was a slaughter, and I caused it. 

" Fontaine! Enough! Rally you men to fight the real enemy, leave civies alone!" 

" I am! I told them to only go after Ryan's men!" 

" Good. We got Ryan, you keep it civil down here!" 

" Got it, lad." 

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