~*~Chapter Twelve~*~

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I hated this fucking prick and I'd love nothing more then to actually eat him. I felt my powers grow a bit from the blood I was able to have, I was back up to a decent 76%. Atlas. or rather, Fontaine, takes his men and has him got back into their clubhouse and rally each other. I left a shadow on his ankle, a good little spy as I got myself ready to call Mother. First I had to find some where private, it was not something I wanted people to witness, just in case she got frisky. It took me a little while, and I had to kill several Splicers first, but I found it, with Alex sitting right out side as security. Once I was finally alone I locked the door behind myself and lit a few candles. It had been quite a while since I did this so I was a little nervous truthfully but I'd deal with it.  I pulled out a small shiv I'd found and pricked my finger enough for me to bleed, then begun to draw the sigils on the ground. 

"Mother Lilith, I request an audience with you."

At first nothing happened, but then the candles flickered in a wind that seemed to come from no where, the flames then became engorged, as if I'd just thrown gasoline upon them, the shadows in the room seemed to fall in on the the candles before combining into one massive shape, that shape soon begun to rise from the ground and soon a woman stood in the place where shadows had been moments before. Her eyes were the same beautiful shade of serpentine green I remember, her bloodlust red hair-nothing about her was different, down to the scowl on her face and the disapproving glare from those very eyes I adored so much. 

" H-h-h-hi Mother, hehe. How, um, how have you been? You look great, by the way, as always, still a radiant beauty-how dead am I for going so long without talking to you?" 

"It's been 200 years, how dead do you think you are, my little Prince?" She growled angrily.

" Heh, very?" 

" Oh, my beloved lost boy, you should know that Mother would never be angry with one of her favorites, and you always were, and forever will be. Now, tell Mother what it is you need, my darling?" 

" I am currently under the ocean trying to help my most recent Mate with a mission of his. We need your help bringing a section of underwater city back to a proper level so it can stay put." 

" Can't you do it?" 

" See, you'd think that, but no, I can't." 

She runs a hand over my shoulders, landing on my cheek, her tender lips kissing my third eye, only for her to start to cry. 

" You are dying, my son. The longer you stay under water, the more of your power vanishes, and the more your life force with it. At this rate, you'll be dead in three days. You had to know this?" 

" I do, and that was my other favor to ask. I found a human worthy of losing it all for, the weight of my past has been crushed by my oncoming future..." 

" In him, in this city, you've found Jerusalem. You want me to make you human again?" 

" Not quite full human, just human enough I don't need blood to use my magic or to survive." 

" You know magic has a cost. How about I do this; I'll raise your little building and the like as you ask, with the understanding that you'll live a human life, a magic-free life, until your natural death. Once you die, you will become a vampire again, in your full power, and will be adapted to have full power underwater. A first of your kind, how does that sound?" 

" I guess...but what will my price be?" 

" That every soul that dies here in your city belongs to me, and they feed my army." 

" I am more then able to give you that." 

" Now, who is this handsome man who stole your heart from me?" 

" No one could ever steal my heart from you. You'll forever be the only woman for me. His name is Alex, and he's...everything. He is my Lucifer, if you can believe it." 

" A saint falling into depravity because of your influence?" 

" Like Mother, like Son." 

" Well, if it helps, you two have my blessing. Now go on, get out of here and go make this Lucifer of yours king of a city. I'll lift that building you need at midnight tonight, and it's currently 10pm. You'll need to be out of it for me to move it. So get going." 

" Thank you, Mother." 

" No, thank you for being the ever loyal son I knew you were." 

With a kiss of her lips, she was gone, the honeyed cinnamon of them burning my lips. I take some water that was dripping, and collect enough of it in a broken mug to wash away the sigils and shit. No sense in leaving this here for accidents to happen. Once done, I go back to the door and unlock it. 

" You look relieved...and healthier." 

" I made a deal with her. You don't need to worry about the semantics, just know that once I die again, it won't be permanent. I am, for now, as human as can be. Now, let's get me a Plasmid so I can fight properly. I think I saw a shop for one near by." 

" Are you sure it's a good idea?" 

" Yeah, I'll be fine, Alex. I got decapitated once, can't be that bad." 

He shrugs, and once we get to the shop, we get three Plasmids, one for himself, and a pair for me. Mine was called Incernerate and Electrobolt, while Alex took Winter Blast. I however saw one that I really wanted to try, and after a few kisses to silence his protests, Alex let me get Insect Swarm. We both move on, finding more money and  ammo, eventually catching up to Fontaine, who had his men healed and ready.

" Ok, so, my contact says we need to evacuate first, and we only have until Midnight to do so. If any of you get left in here, your souls are theirs."

" And just who would be taking out souls, hm?" 

" My Mother, Empress Lilith, Queen of the Lilliam and My sire."

" She can move this building?"

" She can, and she'll be a bitch about it too if we don't listen, so let's move it."   

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