~*~ {Chapter Four} ~*~

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I didn't like this at all, the small submarine thing we were in, what was it Ryan called it, a Bathysphere? Well it was cramped and tight, not to mention the only thing stopping the ocean water from getting to us was a thin sheet of glass, and not much scares me, but this...this terrified me. Even as a human, I wasn't a well off swimmer, so being a vampire underwater...that made this an extra level of scary for me.

"Here,  I'll imagine you'll be needing this," Sullivan spoke handing me a simple revolver, well simple in the fact it was a revolver, the thing was a bloody hand cannon which would take a human two hands to use just for the recoil.

"Bit over doing it with the caliber of weaponry are we not?" I asked with a confused look.

"When it comes to Splicers, there is no such thing as overkill, just a waste of limited bullets. Worst one's are the bloody Houdini's. I curse the bastard who invented that fucking plasmid." 

" Got it. So, tell me, how does the Plasmid work?"

" You inject the Plasmid with Adam in your veins, it makes it so you can use the Plasmid, and in order to keep that Plasmid potent and active, you need to use Eve to make it work." 

" Riiiight. And you said it's not a cult...Strange how we're underwater and yet, I can still smell farmland from here due to the amount of bullshit coming from you, Mr. Ryan." 

" Is he always this chatty, son?" 

" Regrettably, yes, but he has a point. Is there food where we're going? I'm starved." 

" Me too, Anderson, me too." 

" We can feed you both later on. First things first is business. No sleep for the wicked." 

" Oh, don't I know it." 

I'm starved, tired, in dire need of a literal dirt nap, and a good few hours to myself. I'm burnt out, over tired, flat out famished, and it's making me cranky. Anderson looks at me and gives me a sympathetic smile. 

" Tell you what. Victor needs a good nap and meal, and I need the same. Let's plan to meet up later on this evening, and we can discuss business then over a good bottle of wine, yes?" 

" Smart. Fine. Your apartment is close to mine anyways, so when you two are well rested and well fed, just come and knock on the door." 

" Sounds good." 

We keep going, finally getting out of the death ball sub bullshit, and walked to a rather nice looking section of this place. We got into the apartment, and sure enough, there was food waiting. 

" Here is your key, don't lose it. If you need me, I'll be in the Eve's Garden. Rest well, my son." 

Ryan leaves, and without hesitation, I let out a half-sob half-laugh at how much I hated being here. Anderson, with no qualms, pulls me into his lap and offers his neck. 

" Eat. I can tell you're overemotional due to a lack of food. Don't worry about me, I'm built like rubber, I can bounce back under here a hell of a lot better then you can." 

I don't bother hesitating, and bury my fangs deep into his throat, drinking in his blood as if it were water and I were parched from a desert sun. I hear a rather salacious moan from my papal friend, but think nothing on it. Feeding from a human always came with the rather erotic subtext, and most find the venom used to help bleeding as an aphrodisiac. I take my final gulp, and pull back, the bite marks fading as if they never were there, his skin whiter then was healthy.    

"Tell me Alucard, what should I do about my father, and more importantly, what is your measure of the man?" Anderson asked me from his slouched spot in the chair as I moved to the kitchen to make him a meal. Seemed only fair, given he fed me and all.

"Do you want  the truth? Or the words your bible would teach you?"

"I know the bible would tell me to turn the other cheek, I want the truth you damned heathen."

I gave a hearty chuckle at the irony of this, a man who grew up without a father asking me, a man who hated his father until his dying breath, for advice. "Very well. I personally think your father is little more than a sperm donor and a lowlife criminal who deserves to have a new hole made where is head should be and his body fed to the ocean he so adores. For all his talk of 'freedom to choose', he certainly treats those children like slaves, da? And it might just be my bitterness talking, but he feels like the kind of scum to use you as a pawn, only to kill you later on after your usefulness is passed. I get the energy of a man who is so good at the con, he bought into his own bit, you know?"

 " I felt the same thing, I just didn't want to believe it, you know? I finally know who my parents are...and they're worse loons and cultist then the Vatican, and that's saying something!"

I give the papist a questionable look before he smirks and chuckles a bit. 

" What, I'm catholic, not fucking stupid. I know the Church as a whole is corrupt and fucked up, but it was better then being hooked on drugs and wasting my life. At least what I do now saves lives, helps people." 

" Fair enough, I suppose. The lesser of two evils. Just...trust me when I say don't get blinded by false hope on your dear old dad. Of the two, he seems to be the craziest. Now, tuna or salmon?" 

" Salmon. What are you making?" 

" I learned how to make seafood just for this trip and want to try it, if you'll humor me." 

" Sure, just don't use garlic and hurt yourself." 

I chuckle, and fix up a plate of pan seared salmon with a butter sauce over angel hair pasta, making sure to add in a few bits of broccoli and carrots. I plate it, and bring it over to the half-asleep priest. 

" Eat up. I'll do up the dishes and go to bed shortly. You should eat and rest."

" Alrighty then. Sleep well, Alucard." 

" You as well, Alexander." 


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