the danceracha loves y'n?

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One day felix was coming from the shopping and then a car hitted him, damaged his brain and that made act like a 13 year old boy 3
months ago; you was coming from shopping;*you came to your house*
Lix: mommy your home!
You: yes i am , stop calling me mommy! I feel very embarrass
Lix: so what should i could you?
You: call me elesta.
Lix: okay elesta! Did you bring the controller??
You: yeah, here is your controller and some snacks! 🍔🍕🍟🎮
Lix: okay! Thanks you for this! I am going to my room to play some games!
You: okayy! Go and play some games! But also, don't disturb me, i have to do clean the dishes, clothes and the basement too... And don't forget to clean your room also.....
Lix: yeah i will~ *start playing games*
You: let me do the dishes. *Doing the dishes*. Uff!! Now the clothes.
Done!. The last thing is the hell
Basement... *phone rangs* oh the phone!!!! *pick the phone* you: hello!
Hyunjin & lee know: hi y'nnie!
You: long time to speaking with you guys! How are you!
Hyunjin & leeknow: we are fine! Actually we were planning to coming to your house!
You: ohh okay! You can come here!
I will be waiting!
Hyunjin: okay We are coming Bye!!
*phones ends*
You: i need to hurry! But i already cleaned everything..... So, the only thing is the basement! Well i will clean it tomorrow... Now i have to cook something for them.... Should i make a cake or turkey? Maybe a turkey though and also make a cake i would keep the cake in the fridge! Let me make! *20 minutes ago*. I done it! Okay now me me keep it the fridge... *Door rings*
Hyunjin: y'nnie. I am here open the door.
Y'n: okay i am coming to open the door! *opens the door*

Part 1 ends.......
Part 2 is coming soon

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