Traumatic Recollections

Start from the beginning


"It's true. I mean it sucked to see her with her mom like that. Like she wasn't the same person that decided to leave us without as much as a goodbye. But maybe if I was a better father then she'd be here.

When you came in the picture... that was the happiest I'd seen her in a long time."

It's not difficult to tell that Evin is someone who struggles with revealing his emotions.

"I remember the first time I saw you with her."
My attention is once again stolen by his monotonous voice.

"I thought you were a friend, you looked her age."
I chuckle lightly. I will take that as a compliment.

"She talked about you so much, and I guess one day I asked what classes she shared with you and she laughed, that's when I found out who you were. You were the lonely neighbor from next door."

I can't stop the erratic beating of my heart at his reveal.

"Turns out I'd seen you before, just not so close by. You were the beautiful and mysterious lady next door.

I remember the day you first came to the house... your husband was so happy and you were so distant."

I remember the day very well.

Olli surprised me with this massive house, and though I had a smile on my face, my mind couldn't stop thinking about the sudden life we were ankling toward.

The people we were becoming and how far we'd gotten from where we used to be and what 'happiness' used to be for us.

But I had to smile because my husband had done this incredible thing for me, for us.

"You didn't like the house."

"That's not true."
I defend.

I loved that he wanted to make me happy, and the house was comfortable, and,

"It was... big. Lonely. And again, it didn't have to be because I could've easily went out and enjoyed myself."

"But you wanted to just be at home with your husband."
Evin says, causing the erratic beating in my chest to return.

I did. I just wanted to be at home and lazy around with my husband... just like we used to do.

Watch romcoms and trashy reality shows, some days we'd watch his sports.

I look around the small diner we're currently in. This was supposed to be a calming breakfast after the morning I had. But I don't know if I hate the conversation we're having.

The one that sucks about not having friends is you lack perspective. Second opinion.

I pride myself in being able to view a situation from different angles but I can biased against myself.

"The last time I saw you... I mean you look great but."
He stops himself and I'm grateful for that.

We both know what happened the last time we saw each other and it doesn't need to be repeated. I'm not proud of my actions and doubt he is too.

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