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"Get used to each other, at least." I kick my feet as I scroll on my phone, a package of cookies next to me as I laid on the bed. Slater glances toward me, before sighing.

"I told you not to eat on the bed." He repeats, rising to his feet as Leon watches him with a sort of awe. The older male glances down at him, raising an eyebrow. Leon looks away. "What?"

I take a bite from the cookie, chewing slowly. "Leon, are you straight?" His eyes snap up to mine and he responds without a second thought.

"I thought I was." His words hit him a second later and his entire face blushes a tomato red, pulling his hoodie up in defense. Slater doesn't react initially, but I know he understands, understands well. "I-I mean- I don't–-" He cuts off when Slater takes his chin, tilting his face to and fro. Inspecting him, committing him to memory in a way that only Slater could. Leon almost looks nervous, chewing on his lip.

"He's pretty, isn't he?" I say, lips quirking at the subtle lowering of Slater's eyelids.

'Sure." He lets go of Leon and the boxer sits, blinking. "Do you want any drinks?" I can barely contain the smile on my face.

"The iced tea we got last time for me and lemon-water for Leon." He nods, before walking out. A brief moment of silence stretched as I beckoned the remaining male over to the foot of the bed. He walks over, kneeling down in front of me. It clearly didn't take him long to get used to being on his knees before me.

"Hi," Leon whispers, still a little... well, flustered.

"He likes you. He really does." I caress his cheek with a hand and he pressed his face against my touch. "Adorable." I pick up a cookie and feed it to him. "Slater hates sweet stuff. Thank god, someone who actually understands the craze.

I kiss his cheek and he stops chewing, ducking his head to rest his forehead against the mattress. A ring sounds through the room and I glance up, patting his head. "Slater?" I call out and I hear footsteps head toward the door.

"Margot and Dyllon." Another ring, this time much more impatient. The door unlocks and I slide off of the bed, just as I hear her scream.

"No-va!" There she goes. Something definitely happened and Dyllon is probably wondering how he got snagged into this. I leave the room, Leon following timidly behind


"Close the door behind you." Slater says to Dyllon just as Margot takes the lemon-water from him and downs it. She hands it back to the boxer who raises an eyebrow at her antics.

"Margo, what's wrong?" I inquire, holding out my arms as she spins toward me. She wraps her arms around me and eyes Leon, hugging me tighter.

"Dixie's what's wrong. She thinks it's okay to just do--do whatever the hell she wants to! She wants to put my pictures on the walls, I told her no, and she won't stop guilt tripping me!" I move with her, leading her to the living room as Dyllon joins my boys on the opposite sides of the room.

"Again? Didn't her husband tell her what you said?" Dixie was the club manager, one of the most popular places for after parties at the ring. She was mostly kind, but when her husband has a say in things...

"It was probably him that wanted it. Just who does he think he is? I can't stand it!" I shook my head in agreement, clicking my tongue. Margot then pulls back, leaning a hand onto her forehead in mock lament. 'Oh, but you're supposed to be our loyal customer,' I guess we won't make our tips this month,' blah blah blah, all she does is tell me how I should be okay with that!"

"I can ask Slater to talk to him—" Dyllon seems to be introducing himself to Leon, shaking hands.

"He'll stop for a while and then he'll start again! What do I do?! Gosh, I wish Dixie would just grow a spine and think for herself. Always coming after me for shit I don't even want—"

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