✰ | kitty ;

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"A kitty." I crouch down, the fluffy white creature meowing loudly at me. I pet it, its purrs rumbling through its body. "It's so friendly." Slater hums in acknowledgment, standing behind me in the streetlight.

"You're wearing a skirt, Nova." I let out a soft 'hm' before straightening up. "Come on, sweetheart." He slides an arm around my waist, guiding me gently.

"Do you think it has a home?"

"Did you choose to ignore the collar or are you just blind?" I huffed, crossing my arms in protest. He kisses my temple softly, shaking his head. "It definitely has a home. Look, it already moved on." I turn, watching a group of girls pet the cat. Frowning, I spin back around with a huff.

"Traitor." I mumbled, glaring up at the night sky. Slater's lip quirks upward and I point toward a convenience store. "Ice cream." He relents, nodding along to my request. The door slides open before me, Slater reaching over my shoulder to do so.

"I just don't get why he's mad when it's not even my fault," A voice comes from the cashier's counter, and another voice joins in.

"You left the contract, man, you did the right thing. Welcome." I nod toward the cashier and my eyes flit over to the man sitting with the back of a chair between his legs, head resting on his crossed arms. A bandaid was on his right cheek and there was a faint discoloration around his eye. He looked...

"You." I stalk forward, grabbing the man out of his sitting position. His eyes go wide as I raise my arm, and he cringes, waiting for impact. I have my hand bunched on the front of his shirt, his varsity jacket partially knocked off his broad shoulders. No opposition. He was ready to take the slap, already clenching his teeth. A boxer would've reacted by now.

Broken my nose or something before I could've even touched him.

"Nova," Slater takes my upright hand, curling his hand against my own. I could only hear my heartbeat in my chest.

He was the reason why Slater had those bruises all over him. The man before me, peeking at me as he raises his hands into the air defensively.

I wanted to hit him. To strike him back for what he did to Slater. To have him feel the same helplessness that I did, watching from the audience. But...

He was trembling.

"P-Please let me go, miss, I don't know what I did—I'm sorry—" I release him. He stumbles back, nearly tripping over the chair in his haste to put some distance between us. The cashier steps forward.

"Do you have any business here?" They peer down at me through their glasses before moving to look at Slater. He had dark brown hair, almost black in color. "Is there something you need from my friend?"

"I swear I didn't get into any more trouble this time, Vik, I really don't know her!" The man, who, on closer inspection, seemed a bit younger than I remembered. Freckles speckled his face as he ducked behind the cashier. With a boyish, rough look, brown hair, and hazel eyes, he didn't look like the villain I expected him to be.

"You know him, though." I jab a thumb toward Slater and he sighs. I turn to look at him, and his brow furrows. I narrow my eyes.

There's clearly something he wants to say here, but this is a side-with-your girlfriend-now-and-fill-her-in-later situation. "Leon." Slater greets him.

"Oh shit." He whispers. Leon. That was his name. "Look man, I'm sorry about what happened back there. They assigned me to a new manager and I had no clue they had stuff going on in the background." Leon's eyes slid over to mine, before flitting away immediately. "I found out pretty late though, I thought it was pretty weird how the match was going." Did he let Slater win?

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