Chapter 17

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Third Person POV

BC Sol

You sighed as you walked up to the cafeteria along with Shasa and Tenchi. Now that you're pregnant, you can't battle and it'll might tired you out. Talk about pressure.

"You look okay?" Shasa asked worriedly. You give her a weak nod.

"I'm fine," you nodded.

"You sure? I think you need rest," Tenchi said.

"Guys, I'm totally fine," you said. Tenchi and Shasa looked at each other in worried. They knew you were pregnant for 5 months.

Then, Kristina came to them.

"Oh! You three are here," Kristina said.

"What's up, Kris?" Shasa asked. Kristina looked at them in serious expression.

"(Name), I would like to have a little chat with Tenchi and Shasa. How about you go to the cafeteria," Kristina said. You didn't say anything but nodded. You went walked off to the cafeteria.

"What?" Tenchi asked Kristina.

"Guys, I have some news. I found someone can replace (Name) in the tournament since she's pregnant," Kristina said.

"Oh really? Who is it?" Shasa raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Before Kristina could reply, her phone rang. Kristina take out he phone and look at the dialer and seeing "unknown" number. The female smile.

"Hold on, let me put this on speaker," Kristina said and answer the call as she put on the speaker.

"Hey Kris, it's me. I just wanted to let you know that I'm coming to Spain in a few hours," a female voice spoke over the phone. "See you!"

"Wait, is that the person you were talking about?" Shasa asked with eyes widened.

"Yes, it is! She's on her way here now," Kristina said as she hang up the call.

"This is great news! We'll have a strong replacement for (Name) in no time. Let's get ready for the tournament!" Tenchi grinned.

"Oh yeah!" Shasa and Tenchi fist bump to each other.


Kristina's heart raced as she saw her old friend approaching. It had been years since they had seen each other, but the familiarity and comfort between them was still strong.

"Maria, is that really you?" Kristina exclaimed, a mixture of surprise and joy in her voice.

Maria has purple long hair, blue eyes and fair skin. She's also wearing a black sleeveless hoodie, white t-shirt, dark blue shorts and black boots.

Maria grinned and pulled Kristina into a tight hug. "It's me, Kristina. I can't believe it's been so long."

As they settled into a nearby cafe to catch up, Kristina couldn't shake the feeling that there was something urgent she needed to tell Maria.

"Maria, I need to talk to you about something important," Kristina began, her voice serious.

Maria's eyes widened in curiosity. "What is it, Kristina? You look worried."

Kristina took a deep breath before launching into the details of the World League Championship and the two dangerous bladers. She knew she could trust Maria with this information, and she needed all the help she could get to take down these formidable opponents.

Maria listened intently, her expression shifting from surprise to determination. "I may have been out of the game for a while, but I'm not afraid to jump back in and help you take down these dangerous bladers, Kristina. We make a great team, remember?"

You're Ours, Princess (Red Eye/Shu Kurenai x Reader x Dark Valt Aoi)Where stories live. Discover now