Chapter 9

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Third Person POV

BC Sol Gym

"Hey, (Name), Kirou. What's up? I heard you guys were discussing something important," Free said as he sat down and leaned against the wall. Currently, he, Kirou and you were discussing something in the gym while the other members were training.

"Yeah, we were talking about a new move for (Name) here. I've been observing the matches closely, and I think it's time to introduce something powerful to your arsenal," Kirou said, crossing his arms while his body leaned against the wall.

"Oh, really? That sounds exciting! What move are you thinking?" You asked, sitting down next to Free.

"Well, before I get into that, I need to let you both know about something called Protocol Genesis. It's a move being used by Matsuya from team Tigeras, but it's also considered forbidden," Kirou said.

"Forbidden? What does that mean exactly?" Free tilted his head.

"Forbidden moves are techniques that go against the regulations set by the WBBA. They're extremely powerful, yes, but they can cause serious harm to the Blader performing them and even their opponent. They've been banned for safety reasons," Kirou explained.

"So why are we discussing Protocol Genesis then? Are we considering using it?" You asked with your eyebrows raised.

Kidou shook his head. "No, no, absolutely not! The idea is to be aware of these moves out there so that we can understand and counter them if necessary. It's imperative to know what we're up against. Matsuya's skill with Protocol Genesis is unmatched, and understanding its mechanics will only make us stronger,"

"That makes sense. Knowledge is power, after all. But how do we learn about this move without actually using it?" Free questioned.

"Fortunately, I've managed to gather some information through my connections. There are old records and documents about forbidden moves, and I've been studying them extensively. We can analyze the details of Protocol Genesis, understand its strengths and weaknesses, and find ways to counter it effectively," Kirou took out his tablet.

"That sounds like a solid plan, Kirou. Count me in! I want to be prepared for anything that comes my way," You smiled.

Free smirked. "Me too. If there's one thing I've learned during our battles, it's that we always need to be ready for the unexpected. Let's figure out how to counter this forbidden move together,"

"Excellent! With your determination and dedication, (Name), I have no doubt that we'll find a way to overcome any challenge. Forbidden moves may be powerful, but they can only remain effective if we let them catch us off guard," Kirou said.

"If so, let's practice!" You said in confidence. Free smiled while Kirou smirked, both males nodded.


Kristina's Office

Kristina is at her desk, going through some documents. There's a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Kristina said. Trad enters the office, looking slightly concerned.

"Hey, Kristina. You wanted to talk about team Tigeras?" Trad said, in concerned.

"Yes, Trad. I've been hearing some rumors that they have been using forbidden moves to win their matches. Is this true?" Kristina questioned.

Trad sighed. "Well, Kris, it's hard to say for certain, but there have been some whispers among the other teams. They suspect that team Tigeras might be bending the rules,"

Kristina looks worried. "This is not good news at all. We need to make sure (Name) and the rest of our team are prepared to face them in the upcoming match,"

You're Ours, Princess (Red Eye/Shu Kurenai x Reader x Dark Valt Aoi)Where stories live. Discover now